

An Eventful OT Visit & Force Use

Today was Chloe's goal evaluation visit with her Occupational Therapist, Julia. We reviewed the goals we made four months ago, and evaluated where Chloe is, and how satisfied I am with her improvement. The main improvements she has made (with fine motor skills) are: bringing toys together in mid-line, and sitting with assistance. I was so proud to report her progress, and remind myself of her progress!

The new goals we set are: to use her right hand equal amounts as her left hand, self-feeding (i.e., holding a sippy cup or bringing treats to her mouth), improving her grasp and release in both hands, allowing others to hold her, and learning to point to a desired object.

We already started working on the new goals, and I'm very excited for the progress she'll have made four months from now!

Because Chloe is highly left-side dominant, we decided to apply the 'Force Use' principle. By putting an immobilizing brace on Chloe's left arm sometimes while she's playing, she will be forced to use her right arm and hand. Plus the brace is pink with white butterflies on it. Hello.... perfect!

Self-feeding is fairly easy when it comes to anything savory. She's like her mom that way. Salty pretzel? You betcha! What we really need to work on, though, is teaching her to bring the food up to her mouth rather than her folding over, taking her head down to get the food.

Because she's been getting a good night's sleep for about a week now, and because she's spending less time in mya rms and more time in the stander, she's already better about being independent of me, which makes her more apt to be happy with other people. She can still improve, though, and we'll be continuing to work on that as well!

Overall, it was a successful and fun-filled visit to the OT, but poor little Chloe was worn out afterward and fell asleep almost the instant I put her in the carseat.

As I was driving home thinking about our new goals, and looking back at sweet Chloe, my mind got wandering (as it often does).... 'What can I learn from Chloe today?' She has so much to teach me, and I know this, so I'm always trying to recognize her little lessons.

The answer came pretty clearly and quickly today. I thought about Chloe's brace for her left arm and the 'Force Use' example.

I realized I have been spending my times and talents in areas that come rather easily to me. By immobilizing those areas and spending less time on the things that come easy, I will force myself to step outside my comfort zone and tackle more difficult challenges. This can apply to so many things in my life. Some things are simple - like ironing. Other things are big - like befriending strangers, jogging/running (heck even walking) 5k, getting all the projects on my to do list done, reading my scriptures more often, getting better at budgeting, meal-planning, and cooking..... on and on and on.

Just as Chloe has been using her left arm, I've been using my talents. In other words, I don't sit around watching television and eating chocolates all day long - I'm productive for the majority of the day. But I'm productive with things that I don't have to struggle with. I know I can set aside more time for things that challenge and push me to be my best self, a better mother, a better wife, a better neighbor and friend.

My plan is to set some goals, and re-evaluate in four months.

I'm so grateful to be Chloe's mother and have the opportunity to learn from her. The simplest of activities that we take for granted (like holding your head up and being able to bring your hands together) are a daily struggle for her. But there is a reason for that struggle. She wants to help and teach and inspire others. I am so grateful to be her mother and to learn from her each day.

Is there anything in your life you can immobilize to strengthen other areas?


Mel said...

What a great post! Thanks for helping me to think of things that I can work on and improve on. I'm going to have to think about that one and do some writing of goals! I could really get out of my comfort zone!! (shoot right now I'd just take a trip out of my house!!:))

Becky said...

Tara, you are so inspiring! There are so many areas of my life that I need to work on. One step at a time!

Chloe is such a doll! She has such a beautiful smile and the picture of her asleep is so precious.

Devon said...

Beautiful post, Tara! I loved it!

Hey, you know what? Dakin and Chloe sound really similar in movement patterns: Dakin is left dominant as well, and he will also bend over to get food instead of bringing it up to his mouth. You'll have to tell me what you do to get Chloe to do it. We also do the restraining therapy from time to time to get his right arm moving.

You are awesome, you know that?

Colleen said...

wow Tara...I know I set goals for myself at times...and many times realize I am not working on the things I want to be...I never really thought of it the way you have though. Thank you for sharing and making us think about it that way.

I am happy to hear of Chloe's progress...I am sure the next one will be even better!

heather said...

It was so fun seeing you and meeting in person at OT. I haven't gotten around to my post today but Julia will be famous, if she only knew! We took pictures yesterday of Meg. You and Chloe are beautiful people!

Gaspegirl said...

This was a great post! I love the goal that you set for yourself and I can totally relate to it!

Make it a great day!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

What a great OT visit and what a great inspirational post! I agree that it's easy to be too comfortable in every day life. It is important to challenge oneself and learn new things. :)

Kim said...

There is nothing more angelic than a sleeping baby, is there? I am so glad Chloe is becoming more independent. She looks pretty happy with the therapist holding her. She is such a trooper for cooperating with the forced use. I know I am not very good at it.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

This is such a great post. Chloe inspires me too. Hmm, I need to work on the same goals as you do, improve my caretaking of the family, my exercise routine, and get out of the comfort zone.
Thanks, Tara and Chloe, You both ROCK!!!

Heatherlyn said...

First, the little rainbow butterfly/star jacket is so cute.
Second, Chloe is so cute. Hooray for her progress!
Third, you are so smart to make that connection between the left-hand brace forced-focus and the way we tend to stay in areas that we feel more comfortable in. I do that!!!!! I appreciate the connection and the reminder to force myself out of my comfort zone a bit more! (See, when I read about that brace I thought how much I personally would resent that and become very frustrated. I bet Chloe is a better person than I am. I bet she takes it better than I would. :) )

Nana said...

I think this post gives us much to think about. It does me anyway. Chloe is progressing with much struggle involved at times. We can all do more.

Ummmm I know you eat chocolate and Dr. Pepper/ Mtn. Dew all day long. Come On!!!!!

Jo-Ann said...

It never ceases to amaze me the lessons these wee ones teach us.

Sounds like she is doing well and has great new goals.

Good luck with yours! said...

What a sweetie Tara, glad it went well! Love that you are learning from her...she's such a trooper it seems! Hmm, ya know...I can learn a lot from my girls too...but where to start, hehe?

Jamie :-)

Sera said...

I always love reading your blog because you create a beautiful "inspiration chain" which is an amazing talent. You look at Chloe in a unique way that helps inspire you to grow/develop/become better daily. This is how I view your blog, I try to grow/develop/become better by learning from your words. This truly is a beautiful talent you have!!! I love ya!

Anonymous said...

What a BEAUTIFUL post! I am so glad that our paths crossed that day. I kept thinking about Chloe all day and how far she has come since i last saw you! I couldn't wait to talk to Scott that night to fill him in! We will continue to keep Chloe and your family in our prayers! She is doing great things! Way to go!

~Wendy....and Brianna

Grand Pooba said...

Tara, I am so glad you posted this today! What a great lesson to learn from Chloe! I also think you are amazing by looking at Chloe's situation and thinking of what you can learn from her! You truly should be the mother of the year.

There are so many things in my life that I need to immobilize so I can strengthen my weaknesses! Thank you for the inspiration today Tara! I love too much information!

Tinabean said...

Chloe is getting so big & doing so great!
You have the most amazing attitude about things & your perspective on life & your little angel make me more great full for my life & my angels.
Thank you for being an inspiration to me!!!

The Pachuilo Family said...

You and Chloe inspire me to be a better person. thanks for challenging me to shoot for harder goals. Chloe looks so good, and it seems like that standing chair is really helping.

Anonymous said...

I have been following little Chloe and your family for a long time now...I was touched by this post and felt to comment. I am so inspired by your family. You always have such a positive outlook on life even when things get grim. I truly admire you and hope to be just like you! Congrats on the improvements over the past four months!!


Pam said...

I love this post. It's funny how we work so hard to push our kids to be their very best, and sometimes we don't realize that we should be doing the same things for ourselves.

I thought about this very same subject as I was sending Rhett off to school for the first time.

When was the last time I did something that I was unsure of, but ended up being a wonderful thing?

~Okay, besides all the medical crap. I mean something fun. :D

AS for Chloe, I am proud of all of her milestones. She is working so hard and is so beautiful, way to go Chloe, and you keep those milestones coming!!

Have a great day and give Chloe a big hug from Rhett.

Oh~you are more than welcome to use my post for your Saturday post. I am still so proud that Rhett is finally well enough to go to school. Today he made a rainbow hat with clouds on it.

I cried.

Life is so good.

Lizzie said...

one step at a time, she's doing great. and SO ARE YOU!

The Queen Mommy said...

It's so great to know how Chloe is progressing - and that she's making improvements.
How sweet to observe & learn from her - and to share it with us - and in turn challenge us to go beyond our comfort zone.
I don't believe in my abilities the way I should - I constantly doubt myself - and need to stretch and reach for the things I really want.

nikkicrumpet said...

I love that you find learning moments from Chloe...she is quite the little teacher. And we can all learn from her example. I know I'm guilty of staying in my comfort zone. Thanks for the inspiration from both of you!

Just Me said...

I loved this post (and the adorably cute pictures of Chloe!!!) I didn't realize how much I needed to be inspired until I read this--thank you!

heather said...

I would love to send you our story...thanks for your kind comments. Let me know what you want to post, pictures, etc. and I will get it together.

Marie said...

Powerful post Tara! I love the analogy. I think I will evaluate my progress, identify where I need to be strengthened and set some goals too. I love the lessons life can teach if we look for them. Thanks for sharing this lesson with us all. You and Chloe are inspirational!

Anonymous said...

How awesome are you to learn from Chloe and set goals for yourself!

And GOOD JOB Chloe!

CreativeMish said...

Thanks for the inspiration. You are such a good example! I love how you use your struggles and learning experiences and your daughter as an example.

Laura Marchant said...

That sleeping picture in the carseat is just too cute! She is a very inspiring little girl.

Mandy said...

Tara I really liked this post!! It was so inspiring to me!! I remember doing this a lot when TUcker was younger but don't do it as often now. He is gone most of the day to school and I get in my rountine and forget to look at things this way!! I loved when he was little, I felt closer and more connected to him and what I was suppose to be learning from my experiences with him!! This has reminded me and I am so grateful for your reminder!! THank you!! You are wonderful and amazing!!

michelle hays said...

what an absolutely stunning entry! I would have never thought of something like that. I literally got a lump on my throat and an urge to join you in your vision.


Celine said...

Alright Tara, you just made me cry but don't you worry, there are tears of inspiration!
I love how you think of Chloe, how you think there is something to learn from her.
I think I'm going to do some thinking to do and try and immobilize something in my life to work on those things that make me struggle.
Thank you SO much for that amazing post, I am so ready to face my challenges.
Thank you Tara and of course, thank you to Miss Chloe!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

this post is something that i really needed to read, thank you tara for writing it + sharing it. and thank you chloe for being an inspiration.

Kalei said...

This was truly an inspiring post! I too use my strengths and things that come easy to me. I need to challenge my self to do "new" things and "difficult" does not always mean "not for me". Thank you for sharing so much about Chloe and her puts things in perspective, and opens my eyes to not take the smallest of things for granted. I like pink with butterflies too!

April said...

Thank you for your insight! You are BOTH inspiring, and you are being true to your "missions"! Thanks for shining! :)

Cristin said...

I love this!

I'm exhausted after a long night at work and wish I had something meaningful to say... but I got nothing..

I sort of wish I could go back in time and see some of Graham's struggles this way.... very thought provoking stuff...