Christmas Eve is my family's most important day of the year. It has changed through the years, but the one constant is that we are together, eat far too much really good food, and always have a wonderful time!
That day, I kept telling Chloe we were going to Grammy's house and was singing the song, 'Over the river and through the woods, to Grammy's house we go!' When we were actually walking to my mom's house -- which is next door -- I changed the lyrics to 'Over the steps and through the driveway, to Grammy's house we go!' Chloe laughed, okay? We think I'm funny! ;)

Chloe really does love and appreciate the true meaning of Christmas, she loves singing songs about Jesus, and looking at pictures of the nativity.... But she also loves presents! She's more into ripping the paper off than anything, but the actual presents are good too. Here she is with the first gifts she got this Christmas, from Grammy of course -- a ball popper toy and a snuggly blankie that says, 'I love my Grandma.' That smile of hers is my Christmas present!!! I LOVE her!

Here's the family playing Minute to win It games. I'm honestly surprised no one was significantly injured. We were quite rambunctious, but isn't that the point!?....

And here we were playing a game of 'Mingle.' Chloe and I sat this one out, but Chloe was in hysterics watching everyone! It was a side-splitter for sure....

In the end, nothing was better than just snuggling up with Papa in PJ's, SO thoroughly excited for Santa to come in the night!....

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