I had been feeling guilty for letting half the month go by without addressing the topic. But every time I sat down to write my thoughts about it, I thought that I didn't want to bombard everyone with more disability awareness.... isn't my life one big disability awareness campaign stuck on repeat?!? I am awe-struck and astonished by everything I've learned from those with disabilities and the people who frequently interact with them. But I talk about it all the time -- on my three blogs, on facebook, in my interactions with everyone I meet! Do I really need to do a "special" post about it?
Then Chloe, as usual, inserted her wisdom and left me humble. We had a little heart-to-heart, non-verbal discussion. I didn't need to give my opinion yet again, but Chloe wants me to give her opinion on the subject. How do you disregard that type of call to action? Um, let me tell ya what -- you don't. And if you think I'm crazy, think again. This message is truly not my own.
So here goes, Chloe,... my attempt to do what you "told me" to do.
From Chloe's heart to your heart, please soak up this message...
See the beauty in everything
(including yourself)
Be kind to everyone
(including yourself)
I don't want to muddy up Chloe's simple message too much, but I do want to add just a couple of thoughts.
I have always and will always believe that Chloe willingly accepted a divine call to be on this earth with physical limitations. I believe in the wisdom of her old and beautiful soul that she knew she had a special song to sing that could only be heard when people's hearts were softened and humbled. It is a lovely song born of fragility and vulnerability that beckons each person who meets Chloe to appreciate and have joy in and gratitude for life, with all its disappointments, triumphs, peaks and valleys.... Because of her fragility and vulnerability that is so blatantly obvious, she is able to relay a message to other people that they may otherwise miss. Yet aren't we all fragile? Aren't we all vulnerable? Of course the answer is yes. So, then, aren't we all "disabled" in some way? Don't we all have "special needs"? In my opinion, the answer is still yes. So I believe "disability awareness" is a much more broad concept than we may initially realize. I think what Chloe is trying to tell us is that we are all different and we are all perfectly imperfect. Let's see those differences and celebrate them! Let's be authentic. Let's appreciate what makes each of us beautiful and unique!
Because of those imperfections that Chloe has reminded us to see the beauty in, we are going to stumble and fall on occasion. People are going to make mistakes -- both those who are closest to us and sometimes complete strangers. But we need to forgive them. We need to see deeper. We need to give unending love and kindness. I can solemnly swear this is what Chloe does no matter what. She is unrestrained in giving love. Every single person who meets her feels it. It is the most pure love I've ever encountered. Her love is not "earned" and she expects absolutely nothing in return. Because her physical state requires the help and understanding of others, she is inherently constantly beckoning others to be kind and give love as well. Because she is frequently physically ill, she is constantly begging us to strip away all the complications of life and stay home together, keep it simple, and just love each other!
Again, I don't mean to take away from the simplicity of her message. I just felt the need to let everyone know that Chloe doesn't only ask these things of us, but she truly lives up to the request as well. It is a privilege to be her voice and share her message. Thanks for being aware, not just this month, but always.
I loved reading your thoughts. Thanks for sharing them. Chloe is so beautiful. She truly is an elect little lady.
So beautiful. Thanks for this post. Always great for a little reminder.
That Chloe of yours is absolutely perfect.
I loved catching up on your blog.
Chloe has a lot of wonderful remarks. Good job Chloe.
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