

It Takes a Village

The year is creeping to a close. I'm already in full Christmas-planning gear, which means gift lists. One of everyone's favorite gifts last year were the family videos I made of highlights from 2010. So I'm already getting started on preparations for the 2011 videos, so the project isn't as last-minute and stressful as it was last year!

Here are some pictures I've gotten from others to put in the videos that leave me a little perplexed. It makes me realize, especially since I'm working outside of the home right now, how much of a life Chloe has when I'm not around. She does activities, eats treats, has favorite toys, snuggles in different blankets, watches different shows, has unique nicknames, and probably many other things that I don't even know about! She's exposed to an entirely different world for at least 8 hours each day.

I am both sad and grateful for that.... I know that probably doesn't make sense, but that's how I feel. I'm sad that I don't know all those things and that I can't be there for all those things, but I'm overwhelmingly grateful that Chloe is exposed to others, is learning social skills, is learning to adapt to different situations, and feels love from SO many people. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I'm grateful and eternally endebted to our village. I think together we're doing a pretty good job in raising and creating such a beautiful and special person.

with Great Grandma Bennett

playing the piano in Nana's socks

at the zoo with Henry

kisses from Izzy

watching tv with cousins & Fiona

just being HAPPY!

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