


Today I decided to boycott the purchase of any new toys ever again. Chloe has so many cute, fancy and/or noise-making toys that I'm always giving her to play with. But she tosses them to the side and much prefers playing with simple household items. For example, in this picture, curly ribbon and a straw! Some of her other favorite items: plastic spoons, tissue paper, the plastic from string cheese, magazines, water bottles, my cell phone, the TV remote, my camera case, sunglasses, .... you get the point. But her favorite, absolute favorite thing to play with: Mommy's hair. What a funny chica!


Nathan and Dianna Wiley said...

Seriously we could put toy companies out of commission..Its like that at our house too! Give the kids a box or a squirt bottle and they are happy! Christmas should be pretty cheap this year, since we've learned our lesson with big expensive toys!

Jill said...

Okay so you may think this is a little weird but I have been sneaking peaks at your blog for the past couple weeks and I just wanted you to know that I love it. I think you are such an insiprational mom. You handle trials with such a positive attitude. Oby and Chloe are lucky to have you.
Hope it's not to weird that I gave you a comment. I just figured everybody can use a genuine compliment every once it awhile, no matter who it's from.