

Chloe's First Movie!

We actually went to this movie last weekend, but I'm just getting around to posting the pix. I know, I know. TMI Tara is really letting everyone down (especially my mom)! I'll try to be better and inundate you with Chloe pictures almost daily like I used to do, ok? =)

Oby's dad's company rented a theater for Aliens vs Monsters. Normally we would find a sitter for Miss Chloe when we went to a movie, but I decided it was time for her to experience the popcorn, drinks, big screen, and exciting movie! She had so much fun, and actually watched the movie. Okay, about half of it. But when she wasn't watching the movie, she was easily entertained with popcorn, straws, and 3D glasses.

Yep, she even wore the 3D glasses. There's a part in the movie where a ping pong ball comes at you in 3D, and that really freaked her out! Otherwise, she gave the 3D experience two enthusiastic thumbs up!

She was all about the popcorn. This girl loves her some popcorn!!!!

Jake and Papa also enjoyed the movie. And the drinks and popcorn. =)

This morning we had breakfast at my parent's house, and enjoyed relaxing and watching LDS conference. The weather here in Utah today is exceptionally delightful, and I hope it keeps up! My spring fever is in high gear!!! =)


Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I'm so glad Chloe enjoyed the movie. What a great picture of Chloe snuggling her dad, thanks for sharing.

Colleen said...

ahhh cute...sounds like so much fun!

Jo-Ann said...

Glad she had a blast! We are taking the boys this afternoon.

Grand Pooba said...

Big steps! First movie, and WITH 3D glasses, love em, so cute!

Diane said...

how cool is that?! we are still working with trinity on being able to make it through a whole movie. even at home. but it's getting better. she's super excited about seeing the hannah montana movie next weekend.

i love that pic of them in the recliner! they look so relaxed!!!

Mel said...

Looks like you had fun at the movie!! I love conference weekend and being able to lounge with the fam!! I'm with you about spring fever, I'm ready for some serious outside time!!:)

Junior said...

Sounds like you all had great time, very cute pics

Cynthia said...

Looks like everyone had a fabulous time! How fun to have the whole theater to yourselves- okay so maybe the rest of the company came but at least you were among friends if she DID act up (which she didn't- go Miss Chloe)!

CreativeMish said...

That sounds like a fabulous time! Yea for Chloe! She looks great in the glasses!

Becky said...

That looks like fun! I think it is time we take the kids out for a movie date:)

Anonymous said...

How fun! 3D pic! Love it!

Dawna said...

I'm so glad y'all got to have fun together as a family! The pics show that she really had a blast!

Jane In The Jungle said...

LOVE the glasses!!

Keri said...

Chloe and I have something in common, we both love our popcorn. In fact, now that you mention it, I had to go pop a bag. Glad you all had a great time at the movies. No sure what we are waiting for, but we haven't taken Logan to a movie yet. How sad. The boy is 4 years old tomorrow. Someday...

BTW, love the pictures. Your family is beautiful!

Mrs. Bennett said...

So cute! love the pics.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

I'm glad she enjoyed the movie! I want to take Delia sometime soon too. :)

Ryan.Kendra.Makenzie.Tracker said...

Love your posts. Have to admit I am a little sad not to see a new picture or comment everyday. I totally understand its Chloe time and thats what you should be doing :)
Its great to see these pics though. She sure is getting big. Hope you had a wonderful weekend and we really need to plan sometime to hang out again. Maybe dinner, maybe camping... We miss you guys!

Heatherlyn said...

That's so nice that Chloe enjoyd the movie! I'm also loving the sunshine and conference weekend was the best!

Amanda said...

Ohhh, I can't wait to see that movie, it looked like so much fun in the previews!

Heather said...

Sounds like so much fun! Love the 3D glasses!

Lizzie said...

what a big girl! i can't even get my 6 year old to wear 3D glasses. it freaks him out big time!

The High Family said...

yay! We still haven't taken Ryan to his first movie in a real theatre! I really should schedule a "date" with him and see how he does.

I am so glad Chloe enjoyed the movie and watched while wearing her glasses...that awesome! :)