

Mable's Spring Makeover

It's May. It hasn't snowed for a week. So I decided it was time for Mable's spring overhaul. Off with the snow hats and scarves. In with the sunhats, bling and bows....

While I was taking pictures, I noticed Chloe's little head was falling to the left. So I told her to straighten up, and....

she did! What a cutie.

We had a visit with her neurologist last week, and he was discouraged about her trunk strength. He said he can tell her brain is working because she is so social and aware, so he thinks her brain should be able to tell her muscles to work better than they are. I was discouraged because my entire life revolves around getting Chloe's muscles stronger, and I felt like I was just given a failing grade. But no time to sit around being discouraged. I upped her duration and frequency in the stander. Chloe is not crazy about this new schedule, but I have to apply tough love and try to distract her when she gets upset, and if she refuses to calm down, I have to just let her cry and scream. Ugh, tough love is toughest on the mommy, I think! We also play on the exercise ball a lot more, and we're going to start going to the pool two-three times a week instead of once.

So sorry for being a blog slacker. I've been working extra hard with Chloe, and also doing some projects for her birthday (coming up this Saturday!) and Mother's Day. I hope no one takes offense that I haven't been to visit your blogs as often as I used to. I do love you all!!!!!


Mrs. Bennett said...

Chloe is dang cute. You are such a good mother! And I agree, tough love is definitely the toughest on the mommies. What a lucky girl

Diane said...

try to keep it fun tho! for the both of your sake!

you are doing a terrific job! don't ever question that!

Unknown said...

you are a FABULOUS mom Tara!

chloe is lucky to have you on her side.

i am amazed by how much happy just oozes out of all of you!

and the monkey makeover was awesome;)

Josie said...

She is getting so big! She is darling!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

I love Mabel's make-over looks. :) And you are the best mom ever!!

Shelly said...

Taking care of Chloe is job number 1--I'm sure you're doing great. I think it's great that you're increasing her exercise time. Going to the pool more sounds like lots of fun! And tough love--sucks! Be strong!

Chloe and Mable are darling, BTW.

Amanda said...

Ok, tutus are on their way this week!

Andrea said...

I love Mable's makeover!

Lizzie said...

from one blog slacker to another, you are doing a great job mama! keeping your head up and even giving Mable a makeover :) have a wonderful birthday weekend with your beautiful princess!

Heatherlyn said...

Go ahead and slack all you want! Chloe is worth it!

And I'm happy with your mabel spring makeover. I am sooo ready for spring!

Mandy said...

Tough love it the hardest thing ever sometimes!! But my mom would always say in the long run you are doing the best thing for them!! So that is what I always try to remember when I am giving the whole tough love thing! You are such a great mom I know you are doing the best things for her!!

Love the new makeover!! I love seeing her in it and she looks so happy!! Don't let them tell you how it is going to be because they almost never know!! Seriously 9xs out of 10 they are wrong!! You just keep doing what you are inspired to do and you will be amazed!! You are amazing and such a great mom she is blessed to have you fight for her so much!! Keep being the wonderful mom you are!!

Jodi said...

She is so cute, and you are a great mom to do tough love! Just keep doing what you are doing!

Also - there are two awards on my blog for you!!!

Colleen said...

That is great that she is getting stronger.

Anonymous said...

Totally understand the extra Chloe time-how can you resist!?

Mabel looks lovely, dahling!

Bramblemoon Farm said...

I haven't been by for my Chloe's Smile fix a lot and have missed yo and her. It's been crazy here too.
I'm sorry you have to be tougher. I know that is never easy. {{{HUGS}}} I do think it's very cool that she straightened when you asked her too!

The High Family said...

We completely understand that you are very busy. Chloe needs you more than our blogworld! Just wanted you to know that we miss and love you too!

I hope Chloe's muscle strength improves by her next visit. Good Luck! :)

ps- you are an AWESOME mommy!