

My Brother is a Talented Guy, But COME ON!

My brother is a skilled guy. This past weekend, he came from Montana to Utah to install a fireplace mantel for one of his friends. It turned out pretty cool, if ya ask me!....

Enough about the mantel, though, the reason this made me excited was because we got to see everyone! We miss them so much and wish they'd move to Utah already (they're thinking about it, so I'm trying to push the subject as much as possible)....

This was Oby's first time seeing Izabella. Isn't she simply stunning?.... She looks the most like my brother out of all the kids - exactly like his baby pix (minus the bow and pink dress, of course)....

Grammy loved hanging out with her girls - Aspen, Chloe & Izzy....

Grandpa thought he was going to teach Wyatt how to play Checkers, but after losing a few games, I think he learned a thing or two from Wyatt!....

Speaking of Wyatt, they were also able to go to his doctor's appointment while they were here in Utah. His skin graph is doing really well! The donor site is healing more slowly than the graph site, but it's finally coming around as well. He is very brave and strong, and never complains. We are so proud of him!!!

Chloe and Izzy enjoyed hanging out in Grammy's room (and aren't Chloe's pj's just the cutest!?!?!)....

One night, we all went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner (YUM!). Travis had a trailer hooked to his truck because that was the night he installed the mantel. So he had to park sideways in three parking spots. He went to the very back of the parking lot to do so.

When we came out to leave, this is what we found....

A van parked directly in front of the truck and a car parked directly in back of the trailer. They were parked there despite the fact that there were plenty of empty parking spaces elsewhere! Travis is skilled, but seriously people.... are you kidding me? Even Houdini couldn't have gotten out of this without doing damage to one or all of the vehicles. The restaurant asked for the driver of the van over the loud speaker. It took several tries, but the guy finally came out and we were able to leave. Annoying. Hopefully Travis and Katrina will overlook that Utahn's ignorance and move to Utah anyway because we LOVE having them around!!!

1 comment:

Laura Marchant said...

I am sorry but that parking situation totally made me giggle.