

Flashback Friday: Don & Philly

It's been awhile, but I think it's time we start flashin' back again. I loooove going down memory lane!

Today's flashback has nothing to do with me. Unless you count the fact that I like Dancing With the Stars. (Notice I said I like it, don't love it, just like it.)

This flashback is a photo of Oby's Grandpa Phil with Donny Osmond.

That's right, I'm droppin' names. Donny. Osmond.

And not the has-been Donny of today, but the 70's star Donny Osmond of yesteryear....

Apparently Grandpa was working on a construction site for the Osmond Center (I think) in 1979. Donny would come to the site most days to check it out. Grandpa called Donny, "Don." Donny would correct him and say, "Actually, I go by Donny." This gave Grandpa ALL the more reason to call him Don. So Don called him "Philly."

This photo is also bittersweet for anyone who knows much about Grandpa Phil. He has a condition called Ataxia that causes his body to deteriorate. It's good to remember him standing and healthy, but it's sad to know the freedom that has been robbed from him. But if you ask Grandpa Phil how he's doing, he'll say, "Never better!" every single time.

I love Grandpa Phil.


Grand Pooba said...

Oh no you di'nt just say DONNY. OSMOND.

Looks like they were tight!

Nana said...

That is so cute. I wish I knew how to copy your post and put it on my blog.

MOLLY said...

ha, donny used to be much better looking. that is a really cool pic! let's get together next week for sure, if you're not too busy with the turkey day preparations! just let me know when. tues is best for me, but whatever works.

Nana said...

Thanks for the addition. You are a sweetie!! You didn't have to do that. I know you know you didn't have to do that.

Laura Marchant said...

This post made me smile!
Sad what botox has done to Don, lol

Mandy said...

What a fun picture!! What fun to have a picture in your family like that!! I haven't seen dancing with the Stars this year. So I hear this one is better gotta check it out.