Chloe gets her tummy time on the Wingbo swing at least twice a day. (This is what her hair looks like right after a bath, curly and crazy!)....
We also do quite a few stretches, applying the Masgutova Method. These are supposed to help her reflexes mature, and she seems to like it, so that's why we do it!....
We're also working on decision-making and hoping to improve her fine motor skills using the touch screen. We love this thing!....
Her main form of exercise right now is swimming. (Sorry, no pictures. I keep both hands on her at all time while we're in there, so it just hasn't happened yet. Which is a shame, because she has some dang cute swimming suits!) We've been going every day, and she does so amazing! If only she could feel weightless everywhere she went, then she'd rule the world with her physical skillz! Seriously, she holds her body and head so perfect and moves her little legs like she's running a marathon. I barely support her trunk, she really does most of the work, and I am such a proud mama! These water workouts have really eliminated sleeping problems as well.... she wears herself out and then sleeps like a rock the whole night through, which means I sleep all night too, and this makes me very happy! :O)
We've also been going on walks every day. Here are a couple pictures from today's walk. Isn't she just the sweetest little thing EVER!?!? I love her! We have so much fun together, it's almost ridiculous....
You may notice that traditional physical therapy is decidedly absent from our current routine. We've withdrawn from early intervention services. It is not because I don't love the therapists. It isn't because I'm giving up on Chloe -- not at all. It just feels counter-intuitive and even counter-productive after everything I learned from ABM and the progress I saw Chloe make with that form of therapy. I know that many of your jaws may drop at this news. I'm just following my intuition, though, and I feel extreme peace about this decision.
We're still keeping plenty busy and giving Chloe's body lots of exercise, just in a different way than we used to. We've also got an attorney who has offered his services pro bono to appeal the insurance company's denial of the ABM therapy. I'm not going to hold my breath that the insurance company will ever change its mind, but I'm willing to give it a good fight until Oby finishes school and we can distribute funds on therapy that works. I feel confident about Chloe's ability to progress. It may not come in the timeline that I would hope for, but I believe it will come. If it doesn't happen, of course that's okay, but I do believe that she will one day walk. I don't believe this is a false hope, and anyone who saw her move like she does in the water would believe me. This girl is going places!
I'm also trying to get Chloe to eat more. I've been whipping up some delicious treats in my Ninja, and I think it is getting Chloe more interested in food! She has been getting sufficient nutrition from PediaSure for quite awhile now, just eating small bits of food here and there. But I would like to see her weened from the bottle before she starts preschool in the fall, so I'm digging in my heals and really working with her on eating food. I'm not complaining; lots of kids with her medical repertoire lack swallowing skills completely and are g-tube fed. So her ability to drink the PediaSure is a blessing. I'm just crossing my fingers and saying my prayers for added blessings! I guess time will tell!
My cousin dropped a gift by tonight. She and her husband went to hell and back last year with his medical issues. He far exceeded his expectations, but still suffers a great deal. How is it that people who struggle are also the ones who uplift? I don't know, but they surely uplifted me with the message that was on the plaque they gave us, the same message that has got them through so much....
I've always hesitated to pray for a "recovery" for Chloe. I've felt like it was improper to ask, and that I should be humble enough to accept the blessing that she is. However, recently I've come to the conclusion that as long as I accept His will, despite my requests, that it is okay to ask. That is also part of our new routine.
I love everything you do for Chloe. I'm always so impressed to discover how much time you give to her. You're a great mom and if your intuition is telling you somthing, you should listen. It looks like you have some great alternative routines with Chloe and she looks so happy. Isn't that the point? The kids and I read 2 Nephi 2 last night....Men are that they might have joy. That includes precious angels. You make her happy and she makes you happy. You just amaze me! :)
You blow me away with all you do...I wish I had your strength and encouragement to do so much.
Thanks for sharing! Sounds like a pretty good routine to me. And there's definitely no shame in going with your gut.
So glad Chloe likes the Wingbo swing. It is one of Kendall's favorite activities during the day too.
I love how much fun you two have together! And that you view it as fun! I told my sister just yesterday how amazing it is that my non-verbal, non-ambulatory, medically dependent child is turning into my best friend, and the person I most want to be with during the day :)
Life is good. And you're a great mommy.
WOW! I believe you. And what amazing things you are doing with her...I stand in awe of your dedication. xoxo
She is just too precious! :)
The water therapy sounds fantastic!
Wow! You guys made a lot of changes in that girls routine and it sounds like they are all for the better!
And hope makes everything possible. Miracles don't happen where there's no hope.
It certainly sounds like a lot of fun! I'm a bit jealous, actually, of the lack of appointments :-)
We got Emma a neck collar for swimming right before Christmas and I can't wait to try it out. We've been lax in getting to the pool since the hours of free swim time at the Y haven't been that great and hope it starts earlier this session. On that note, though, I think Chloe might actually enjoy some aquatherapy by a PT in the water. If that is available to you through EI, you might want to give it a shot. Our local hospital has a pool that is 90 degrees (heaven!) for aquatherapy and we put Emma in it a couple of times for the therapist to give me exercises to do on our own and to test out equipment like the neck collar.
And, just in case nothing comes of the ABM payment appeal, we did try ABM a couple of weekends. We're not doing it this month because of the HBOT so we don't have excess funds, but the PT that Emma gets is from a PT certified in NDT. The NDT is so similar to ABM, though, and they are usually covered by insurance. It couldn't hurt anything to see if there is an NDT certified PT in your area that your insurance company would pay for. Just a though, not a judgement at all, though, that you stopped therapy. I say that we know what's best for our child and always trust your gut.
I'd love to know more about the touch screen computer. I don't even know where or how to start with that here.
Does Chloe ever not smile? I don't think I'd have that big of a smile during a walk in the cold...brrrr...
Tara, thank you for this post! First of all, Chloe is TOO adorable to adequately express in this comments section. Secondly, I SO admire you making those therapy decisions for Chloe and sticking to them. I know several families who have only done alternative therapies and have seen tremendous results. Thirdly, your hopes for Chloe are what will drive her to reach new milestones and I totally see your love for her in her smile. Fourthly, you must post pictures of her in the water because I can't wait to see them. Fifthly, you put me to shame taking walks in the snow because as a California girl, I can't even brave taking walks in 60 degree weather!
What sweet pictures of a beautiful girl. Her smile is simply stunning. I bet she lights up a room.....
P.S. I love this missing tooth....couldn't be sweeter.
I dont remember where I found your blog, but I was interested in it because my son also has CP and west syndrome (hes 6 now) I just wanted to chime in and tell you that Chloe is beautiful and has the most contagious smile. You are doing an amazing job with her!
Heidi Case
eastern Washington
Love the pictures of Chloe! What a beautiful little girl you have (like I need to tell you!) :)
Your routine sounds fantastic. Keep following your intuition and keep on asking. "Ask and you shall receive" right?
That was a beautiful post. I loved seeing all of the ways you enrich her life. I also love how you follow your heart.
Sending love!
ps. When you have a minute, can you tell me more about the music therapy you do??? (I can see Caleb enjoying something like that...)
This is an awesome post. Amazing stuff you are doing. But...when do you find time to PEE??
With you on asking. Definitely.
Would you post the website of the center where she receives ABM? Thanks.
Kristina's comment reminds me to offer that if your ABM is provided by a PT, it should be billed as PT and is more likely to be covered by insurance. Even with that, if ABM is more often than 2x/week, it may be the dosage that is denied.
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