

May 2013

Chloe turned 6 this year! I usually go all-out on parties, but I kept it more low-key this year. Chloe was happy as could be so I'd say it was a success! Can't believe she's 6!!! What a big girl!

She got this cerebral palsy square float for her birthday and was in it most of May through August. I'd say it was a hit!

My sweetie on Memorial Day

May brought about some HUGE news for which I don't have any pictures, but feel the need to document. Oby started a new job in the end of April, which ended up being a miracle/answer to prayers because, truly, when I quit my job in March, we couldn't afford it. His new job more than made up for the money we were missing and it was a huge blessing. SOoooo.... In the beginning of May, we felt like we could really pursue trying to have a second child. We hadn't been preventing pregnancy off and on since Chloe was about a year old, but still no baby. So the beginning of May, we went to an infertility specialist. I had been feeling emotional and sick pretty much since I quit my job and kept thinking it was all in my head and just the transition of being at home full time.... BUT during the process of infertility testing - no treatment had been incurred, mind you - we found out I was ELEVEN WEEKS pregnant! Turns out, feeling emotional and icky wasn't just in my head after all! I was all but done with the first trimester when I found out! We were over the moon ecstatic!!!! My due date is December 17th of this year. Chloe is SO excited to be a big sister!!! And, truly, the timing could not be more perfect since Chloe will be in school full time once the baby comes. The big guy really is in charge and His timing is perfect. I already knew that, but sometimes you just cannot deny it! This was one of those times. May was a good month. :)

Oh, except one pretty major bummer. Sometime shortly after Chloe's birthday, I was taking pictures of her in her new float while she was in the hot tub. I must have gotten too close and either got the camera in the water or the steam just got in the camera. Sigh. Well, however it happened, my good camera got ruined. So that explains why pictures from here on out until we get a new camera are pretty poor quality from my phone. As long as I get a new camera before the baby comes, I suppose I'll survive! ;)


Chloe's Professional Pictures

No words are needed for these pictures, other than thank you to Paige Davis Photography!!!!!