

Mother's Day

This is my 2nd Mother's Day. Last Mother's Day Chloe was just 3 days old and it was my first day home from the hospital. Then that night little miss came down with a fever, and we were back at Primary Children's for 2 days. Chloe had to have a spinal tap, and I was hormonal.... It wasn't pretty. Anyway, the 2nd Mother's Day was a lot less dramatic! It is such a privilege to be Chloe's mommy! She tells me through her eyes that she adores and loves me. Here's her Mother's Day outfit, isn't she adorable?!?! I love my girl.

In the afternoon we went to visit Chloe's Great Grandma Bennett. (I think Chloe looks soooo pretty in this picture!) Grandma Bennett is such a funny lady with German roots. Oby got a lot of attributes from her, so needless to say, I think she's great. We spent the rest of the day with Oby's mom and Grandma Judy, but I forgot to take pictures. Me, forget to take pictures? I know - crazy huh! My mom is in Idaho visiting relatives, but she doesn't like to celebrate Mother's Day anyway. In fact, I think that's why she left for the weekend. I so enjoy being a mother, and it becomes more apparent to me every day that I couldn't meet my demands as a mother without the help of other mothers - my mom & Oby's mom. I need their love, advice, example, and help. I'm in awe at the amount of unconditional love mother's have. I never understood it completely, though, until I became a mother myself. It is amazing to me.


Jen & Johnny said...

Happy Mother's Day Tara!!!! You are GREAT!!!!!

Nathan and Dianna Wiley said...

I'm glad we both had a happy mother's day!! Yeah, my kids always seem to point out the "stinky" things in life.. hahaha! Gotta love their honesty! How many 4-wheelers do you have access to? I'd like to have a dutchoven, 4-wheeling day out here if we can work it out..Let me know!