

Disneyland - Halloween Style

I highly recommend a visit to the greatest place on earth in the month of October.
Mickey looks like this:

Goofy looks like this:

And the haunted mansion looks like this:

The weather has been perfect, with a little breeze to keep us cool. Chloe and Jake have been loving it, but we were all worn out after a long day of walking and riding rides at the park. Chloe's favorite rides (so far) were Winnie the Pooh and Pirates of the Caribbean. She kept saying, "Oooooh, oooooh," and looking around, just taking it all in. Right before bedtime, she was eating Oreo's and telling us about her exciting day. This is what she looked like:

It was one of those Zip-a-dee-doo-dah days!


Celine said...

Awww I'm going to Disneyland on Saturday and I can't wait to see all the gorgeous Halloweenie decoration!
And as always, Chloe just brightens my day!

Emma said...

The best time to got to the parks is over the Holidays. We love it at christmas because they play christmas music all through the park. Baxter commented on how much Oby looks like his dad. Very True!

Brittany said...

Looks like so much fun! Her smile says it all!

Natalia said...
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Natalia said...

She's so beautiful! I'm sitting here in disbelief that I've never been to Disney during Halloween time. I'm thinking we have to make it there this year because that decor is incredible! Thanks for sharing it. (As this is one of my favorite new blogs I had to make it one of my top 5 for the blog-a-thon ;-) ).

Anonymous said...

All of those halloween decorations are awesome! Disney really knows how to do it up big! She looks like she's having a blast! :)

Ash said...

Sniff - my parents and my brother's family are off to Disney World for the week to enjoy the Halloween festivities. I'm all full of self pity today.

So glad YOU guys had a great time!!


P.S. you're one of my Top 5

Emily ~ Little Window Shoppe said...

How fun! I love Disneyland and can only imagine the cool activities they have going on for Halloween too. I'll keep this in mind for my next trip.

Mel said...

Kids make everything so much more fun, and here huge grin says it all!! Glad you are having so much fun!

Lorie said...

This time next week we will be doing just that! I am SOOOOO excited!

Great pictures!

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

OMG! I'm so jealous!!! How fun is this? Halloween at Disney. I can't wait to do this with my kids. Maybe next year:-) Your baby is adorable!