Does anyone want to join me in the reminiscing rampage that's sweeping the nation? Well, maybe not the nation, but the blogosphere? Okay, well, at least my blog!
Introducing, for all to play along....

For my first flashback, I would like to share one of my favorite flashbacks. Here I am with my lifelong friend, Jamie, and our rugged snowman....

The facemask beard, the orange hunting cap, the empty fields in the background that are now jam-packed with subdivisions.... I love this precious memory!
Jamie and I grew up on the same street. We were born two months apart. Our brothers were the same age as well. We would always hang out at each other's houses. In the summers we would ride bikes and jump on Jamie's trampolene. In the winters, we would build snowmen (regardless of the many fashion faux pas's we committed in doing so), and there were occassional snowmobile/tubing rides. That was, at least, until my brother's speedy snowmobiling caused Jamie to flip off the tube and break her collar bone. Poor girl.
Jamie and I ended up being roommates for five years in our 20's. That started a whole new series of traditions and memories. But we always had this picture in a frame to remember our roots. It's a classic.
Want to play along? Do a flashback post and hop on the Mister Linky. The more the merrier!

Oh girl...hehe, nice snowman!
Face mask beard? LOL Two months apart is all? She looks like your little sister. I like the buttons on your snowman!
I love this idea!
Great picture!
I like the flashback friday's idea.
I love old pictures.
I love the idea! I will have to plan ahead for next week. :)
What a fun picture. Those memories are precious.
Thats a nice pic! I love the wrap around hats! I think those should come back- they make so much sence! So Saturday at 7 and out to eat is perfect! I didnt know if you wanted to go out. It would be great to go out- Ryans Grandpa passed this morning. His other GPA Oby im sure has meet him. Arvel. His moms stepdad. We will be busy with them all evening and tomorrow afternoon but I know Ryan cant wait to see Oby so he really wants to still go out. We are NOT picky where we eat at so its up to you guys. Im so excited!
Love it! Now I have to do another post. I am going to do it now.
Cute! I'll have to see what I can dig up that won't get me into too much trouble!
Are you going to do this every Friday? With a Mr. Linky? I hope so...I love looking at old pics.
Too funny! I love to flashback. I will have to break out old pics and get some use out of the dusty old scanner and see what I can find!!:)
What a great idea!!! I'm joining the fun.....and you were too the snowman!!
Don't you still wear those pants?
My phone is going to die so have Oby call Ryan 554-4004. Im planning on tomorrow but if something comes up just let me know.
Loved the idea. Saw it on Sandy's page and decided to play along. :)
I don't have a scanner. How nice to have a friend for so long. I love that you both always kept the picture.
Heh, my hubby has one of those face mask hats... he's had it since high school and he still wears it to ride his bike when it's cold. I call it his 'burglar hat'. LOL
I *love* the snowman! So cute.
I love flashbacks! I want a scanner so I can do that. We have one at work but I can't figure out how to get the format right! Grrr!
Haha, how fun!! This photo is just too funny, yet cute!! Love those hats!!
I love it. That is just how I remember you.... and Syracuse.
Jamie who?
Oh I love that picute. What fun memories we have. Thank you so much for being part of many of my favorite memories. Love ya girl.
What a fun idea Tara! :)
It's saturday already for me but I'll be sure to join the fun next week!
Rugged? Uh, maybe. Regardless, that is one darling snowman. Although, he's not as darling as the two of you!
I just love this idea. Gonna have to dig out those old timey photos and do some serious scanning for next week. I can't wait.
what a great idea! I'm definitely going to play along next week!!
Cute picture! Love the snowman!
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