

I Will Carry You, My Child

I saw this video on the blog of my new, yet dear friend, Keri.

I saw a clip about this amazing duo several years ago, and it touched me deeply then. I am so grateful to have come across this again, though. Now that I'm Chloe's mom, the message has a much deeper and more intense meaning to me. Let me explain....

Words from the video that hit home:

"He looked beautiful and he was strong.... he was having spasms."
"They were told their son... would never be able to walk or talk."
"We're gonna bring him up like any other child.... When they went to a beach for a swim, Rick went too."
"When you look in his eyes, and he was lookin' right at ya. And you could tell that he understood everything you were talking about."
"I may be disabled, but I live a very fulfilling life."
"You can. Anything IS possible."

Other parts of the video that hit home:

  • The way he swims in the water - his body moves EXACTLY like Chloe's does in the water.
  • The placement of his thumb (when they're first talking about the HOPE machine) underneath the pointer finger and over the middle finger - EXACTLY how Chloe holds her fingers.

The many hopes this video gave me:

  • Rick went to school
  • he found his voice, he talks and teaches other people
  • he graduated from high school AND college
  • he lived to be at least 44-years-old (The statistics say children with Infantile Spasms have a 60% chance of death before the age of 10.... it is more likely that she'll die before age 10 than that she'll live past age 10. Rick teaches me to not only look forward to Chloe's 11th birthday, but many, many birthdays beyond that!)
  • he lives in his own apartment

Things this video inspired me to do:

  • Continue including Chloe in every activity we do.
  • Swim, run and ride bikes with Chloe more often so she too can feel "like the disability disappears." (Because of this video and Keri's example, we have signed up for a 5k in May. Oh my heck, do I need to get in better shape before May comes!)
  • Definitely look into the HOPE machine (aka Tufts Interactive Communicator - TIC). Find one. Borrow one. Get sponsors to help me buy one. Whatever I need to do to get my hands on one and help Chloe be able to share her message! She has so much to teach all of us, I can hardly wait!!!
  • Be the very best mother I can be.

And yet another way I could relate to this video:

To recognize how much my own Father in Heaven loves me.... that He is willing to carry me when I am unable to carry myself.

I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and
I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
(Isaiah 46:4)

Against the Wind, by Liz Lemon Swindle


Spence said...
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Spence said...

I had forgotten about that inspiring story. Thank you for reminding us about it. You too, are inspiring many with your own story - keep it up.

Mel said...

Thanks so much for sharing this! It's awesome!!

Mandy said...

Oh Tara, it is late and I am in tears this is so inspiring and I had seen it a lot. Having someone in our family with special needs it has been emailed to me a lot but EVERY time I see it I just bawl like a baby!! Thank you sooo much for sharing it! You are doing such a good job with Chloe I KNOW she is so blessed to have you two as her parents! How blessed I am for making a new friend who is so amazing!! Good luck with your run!!

Celine said...

This video made me cry so hard!But they were definitely tears of hope!
I'm sure Chloe is going to accomplish great things just like she's already done!
I'm sending big hugs your way today!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Your unending commitment to hope and to faith is so, so inspiring, Tara. I love visiting your blog. It always points me in the "right" direction as a Mom. Thank you for being such a source of joy to so many people.


PS: The new blog look does you proud. The swirls become you. :)

The Rambler said...

I cry EVERY time I watch a clip of the Hoyt's.

This father is a remarkable man that shows when you love your child, there is no end you will go to, to provide them the best life possible.

Thanks so much for sharing this today!

Kim said...

I have seen the Hoyts before and they inspire me and make me cry everytime I watch them. They make you a better parent. Chloe will make it to 44 and beyond because of you. You have a massive prayer circle with this blog that will continue to grow.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post.

Bramblemoon Farm said...

You are doing SO much with Chloe...I can't imagine her NOT doing great things. She just shines.

Amanda said...

Team Hoyt is truly amazing! Every time I see one of their videos I cry! It great to see the love of a parent for their child, how far they would go to help them fulfill their dreams.

You are a wonderful and amazing mother and I don't think Chloe could have picked a better mom!!

Nana said...

For the Love.... will you stop making me cry. No I love your posts. Anything is possible for our little girl!!!!!!!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Great post hun! And you already ARE a fabulous Mommy!!!!

~pen~ said...

Keep doing what your doing love. You are a good person and whatever you need for Chloe, I feel that god will find a way to get it to you. Have a great weekend love.

The Crew Chief said...

I bawl like a baby every time I see this clip.

Sometimes it's hard for me to see the benefits of having a not-so-typical kid. But what I have learned is that it means we get to enjoy a not-so-typical life.

What an adventure for all!!

Typical is soooo boring :-)

You're an awesome mom. Never doubt that.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Thank you for sharing this, Tara. Best to your family.

Jo-Ann said...

Tara, it has been awhile since I have seen Team Hoyt. As always it makes me cry tears of joy and hope and love. You bring out those same emotions in me too Tara. You are one special mom and Chloe is very smart to have chosen you.

My older brother had Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. My favorite memories of him were of our family doing regular family things. My parents never let his disability get in the way. I see you doing the same wonderful things for Chloe.

Big hugs to you.

Momma Chae said...

I did a post on this same topic a while back. :)

check out the first video. It's set to "Imagine" and makes me cry every time.
In a way, it seems like such an amazing and unique story of devotion and passion... but on the other hand, it seems like an everyday truth... because when it comes down to it, what parent WOULDN'T give their child wings if they could?
We all want to give our children color and magic and fire in their lives. Some just have to work a little harder or be a little more creative.... and you are surpassing so many in your efforts already. :) Good job, mom.

Suzi said...

I have heard this story on many occasions and it is very moving. I know that you and Chloe will do a wonderful job in the 5K. Please be sure to tell us all about it. Looking forward to hearing about it. Just know that you are just as inspiring as the story you shared of the Hoyts.

Keri said...

Tara, just in case you have forgotten, I'd like to give you a pleasant reminder... You are AWESOME! Totally!!!

I'm so glad to see you share the story of Team Hoyt. As you know, they are my inspiration. I'm beyond words to hear you are in the same boat as I. Honestly, I'm speechless!

Oh, and when you find how to get a hold of the HOPE machine (maybe I can help), let me know. I'm dying to hear my son's voice.

"...look at me as an intelligent person and look past my disability." ~Rick Hoyt

Those words right there are monumental to me. I so want that for Logan. Raising awareness one person at a time.

CreativeMish said...

What an inspiring story.. It gives me goosebumps every time I see the video!

nikkicrumpet said...

I'm so glad I wasn't wearing mascara. Their story blew me away. It makes me realize what a lousy parent I was in comparison to this incredible man. God must have a very special place for him in heaven.

Michelle said...

Tara - Thank you so much for posting this video on your blog. Tears came to my eyes to see what this man has done for the love of his son. I am blown away but one thing I will take from this is their motto... "I can"
Thank you =)

Jen said...

Your post and the video is so beautiful. Thank your for sharing. Chloe is so lucky to have you and her father as parents. God bless you.

God's Shining Stars

Creative and Curious

Melanie said...

oh my. I can so connect with the video! Thanks for sharing.

By the way Daniel has the same hand braces that Chloe has, and agreed they are a pain in the butt to get on, but boy do they work well for Daniel. He does the same thing, thumb under one finger over the next! Also read she gives open mouthed kisses, its funny to read that someone else besides Daniel does these things. Daniel will give you the open mouthed kiss on your cheek and move his head side to side (this we call the "uuuuum really big wet kiss, thats so niceeeeeeee" and he just loves it.

Again, thanks for sharing.