

Random Thoughts

Monday is laundry day. Do any of you do specific chores on specific days, or am I the only one? Anyway, while I was folding laundry, I was watching HGTV's marathon of one of my favorite shows: House Hunters International. Oby and I both love that show! It always makes us dream of one day running away to a beach front casa.

And then that got me thinking about the last time I went anywhere tropical. About two weeks before I met Oby, I went on a cruise with a huge group of friends. Oh my goodness, it was soooo much fun. My favorite stops were Honduras and Belize. Pardon me while I reminisce for just a moment....

Honduras sunset

Dave, Steph, Mike & his "hairy bagel"

The group in Belize after snorkeling

GNO on the ship

Aaaah good times. Oby and I are planning a much needed tropical vay-cay sometime this year. After a few episodes of House Hunters International, it's a good thing I have a getaway to look forward to!

Speaking of HGTV, is everyone on board for the dream home giveaway? Oby always really gets into this. We're planning our new life in Sedona when we win this beauty....

Heaven? Is that you?

And now. Another random thing. I might get some daggers because of this, but can I just say that even though I like Jason The Bachelor, his old man walk really bothers me!?! Has anyone else noticed that he walks funny, with his head forward a bit and his back hunched over? I know, I know. Petty, petty.
Which got me thinking. I really wish they would have chosen Fred to be the bachelor. Remember him?

DeAnna didn't like him, but she doesn't really like anyone, so what's new. But Ellen liked him. Remember? I think he almost turned her sraight! The man jewelry's gotta go, though. I know. Petty, petty.

Does anyone else hate centipedes?
Hey. I warned you this post would be random.
Ugh. I loathe centipedes. Spiders? Mice? No biggie. Do I like them? No. But do I squeal like a little girl and run the other direction as fast as I can the moment I see them? Also no. But centipedes? YIKES! They have 100 legs. This increases their speed and creepiness. It doesn't get any worse than this....

So when I saw one in our bathroom tonight when Oby had already gone to bed, I was forced to face my fears and kill it without male assistance. Have I overcome my centi-phobia? NO WAY!

And another thing. Why is it that when Chloe is fussy, she wants me to be vertical. It doesn't matter if I hold her vertically, that's not enough. I have to stand up. No big deal when I have to stand for only a minute or two. But when the little stinker's fussy for hours on end, the incessant standing is a real drag. Good thing she's cute!

While I was standing trying to soothe Miss Chloe, I watched a special about Martin Luther King, Jr. It was pretty wonderful, I gotta tell ya. What a man we celebrate today.

My favorite quote that was shared on the documentary was:

"The time is always right to do what is right."
~Martin Luther King, Jr.


Shelly said...

I love randomness. Josh and I have our 10 year anniversary this year, so our tropical destination will be Disneyland over his birthday. I have never seen the Bachelor, but I appreciate being able to experience it through you. Centipedes are WAY gross. Congrats on killing the bugger. Chloe can't help but wanting you to inconvenience yourself on her behalf--she's a kid and it's programmed into her like every other kid. And she is way cute. I think Martin Luther King rocks too. I love this time we have to share. :p

Mrs. Bennett said...

I agree with you on everything. And did you know I served my mission in both Honduras and Belize? A fun Bachelor blog:

TuTu's Bliss said...

Great minds think alike. This week's Two Cents topic is eye candy. Jason doesn't it do it for me either but neither does Fred. Feel free to join in on Two Cents, it is never too late for FREE two cents. Hugs, Jen

Anonymous said... said hairy bagel...

Anonymous said...

Aw, I want a vacation!

Centipedes don't bother me, unless they're in my house and then I make one of the dogs catch it and eat it!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

ewwwwwwwwww those are so gross! Good for you on taking care of it yourself. I have had to do that with spiders in recent year, and it still just grosses me out. I am so glad to hear you will be going somewhere tropical this year - good for you!

Celine said...

You and Obi so deserve a good vacation!
Do you guys have any idea of where you'll be heading? :)

Suzi said...

I clean floors on Friday. Love the randomness. Need a nice tropical vacay myself.....hopefully at our 10 yr. anniversary. Love MLK's quote.

Kim said...

I would love a vacay right now. My daughter found a cruise online to Belize for like $599 including flight to Miami. I've always wanted to go there. Centipedes are super-creepy. How can they walk with all those legs?

Amanda said...

Sometimes you just gotta be can't be helped a bit. I am totally in love with that house!! I grew up down south and the wrap around porch is it for me, so I could sit on it in the summer time in my rocking chair and drink sweet tea...ahhh the life it would be. Um, excuse me while I drift away for a bit...

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I hope Chloe starts sleeping better soon. You are so brave to face the centipede without your husband, Way to go Girl!
Great pictures, thanks for sharing.

heather said...

The centipede made my cringe...YUCK!!!!!

Unknown said...

What a random post - but a nice intro for me to your blog! Pretty blog!

And your daughter IS a cutie! ;) I think the "vertical" preference of kids probably spans years and continents. My boy is the same! :P I consider it my (only) workout!

April said...

My chore list:
Tues: trash night
Thurs: laundry
Sat: vacuum
Sun: laundry

so, no you aren't the only one!

I love fun vacations!, although I suppose all vacation are fun?!

Can't say that I ever noticed Jason's old man walk.

I had to scroll down the page, just so I wouldn't have to look at those centipedes! ewww!

Beautiful Chloe!
Beautiful quote!

Cheers to randomness!

Heather said...

Randomness makes me pretty darn happy!

I am trying to do the house chores on their own official days of the week but then I sort of lose interest.

I'm trying to work out that whole deal where I only must clean every 3rd Tuesday. For some reason, Hubs and the kiddo don't agree.

Oh, and for some reason my hubby gets all psyched out on the home giveaway and car giveaway stuff, too. He was asking me on Saturday night if I thought they'd let us give some input on the layout of the house or if it was already built. Ya know, as if I'm in with the HGTV contest committee and we have it in the bag. :-) High hopes!!

~pen~ said...

Martins quote is a quote we can live by day to day.

Have fun on your tropical vacay. My bahtroom is my tropical getaway for now...someday i shall venture out and enjoy the warm sun, sand in my toes, and a pina colada as I stare at the beach in front of me. man....i cant wait!

tiarastantrums said...

well, every Monday is major cleaning day after the weekend when my house gets messed up by the family.

Jill said...

Okay... i am also a secret..well maybe not so secret bachelor fan. I just have to put in a little comment because Jason just bothers me. He is very attractive, but... who leaves their son for six weeks to go be on TV? Twice???!!! I'm sorry to be judgemental but I really am sick of them painting him out to be this loving father. Um... yuck. Anyway. I would have loved to see the emotionally stunted Graham become the next bachelor. Holy smokin'! He was my favorite! And people that don't have kids yet can afford to be self-involved.

Jo-Ann said...

Ahhhh yes. I too have to be vertical when holding sick, fussy, grumpy, crying, hurting, etc children. Must be some universal mommy law. :)

Btw, I finally figured it out! DAFO stands for dynamic ankle foot orthotic which is what Matthew used to have. His orthotist and surgeon and p/t called it an articulating AFO. He is now not able to be in a DAFO and is now in one without any movement in it.

At least that is what I think is the difference... or maybe I'm just out to lunch. lol

Mel said...

I'm wishing for something tropical right now (I think I always do in January) Nothing tropical, but Disneyland with the whole Frew clan in 3 weeks so at least WARM YAY!!:)

vsm/whirling dirvish photography said...

Makes me yearn for warm weather and a pina colada. It looks like you had so much fun! I watched the special on MLK too, he was a huge wave of change. What a wonderful thing he started. Hope your day is going marvelous!

Stephanie said...

ewwwwwwwwww the centipedes are freaking me OUT! I hate those things!!!

Laura Marchant said...

Ok, just entered the giveaway! I promise if I win I will have a party and invite all my bloggy friends :-)

I love, love, love the bachelor. I am so embarrassed for some of the girls this season. I can't wait til Deanna shows back up. I told the Hubs last night that she will probably show up on the last episode to keep us all waiting.

Jodi said...

Yay for planning a vacation! And I HATE centipedes with a passion! I cannot get over how gross they are!

The Atkinsons said...

I'm with you about the Bachelor Jason. Okay, okay he's seems like a nice guy but he does have an old man walk. The other thing I don't like about him is the shape of his head and the pointyness of his nose, I'm not sure why but it bugs me!

Nana said...

Let's see didn't you call me random just the other day?
Trip looks fun.
He does walk funny, I have noticed that. Really I have!
Don't care for the other guy.
Hate centipedes.
Chloe is alway cute, but a butt sometimes.
I like Martin Luther King. I think that was everything.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I love house hunters international, too!!!

Centipedes freak me out!!!!

Momma Chae said...

Oh man - I want to go! I've NEVER been to a tropical place..... what cute pictures. :) You're such a hottie.

Bramblemoon Farm said...

I have not been random in awhile. You remind me that it's fun! I hate centipedes too with a passion. Little, big, it doesn't matter. Ewwwwww...

My kids always wanted me to stand and walk with them too. I remember many nights with sore arms. Yes, it's a good thing they were cute too!

Keri said...

I just love your randomness. Please, keep it coming. It's very entertaining!