Coconut cashews. Have you ever tried these things? OH MY GOODNESS - they are delish!!!
Sadly and ironically, Oby was at home feeding Chloe cashews. He called me and said she was being fussy. I thought he was trying to get me to come home, and told him to go play with her outside. He called awhile later and said she had thrown up and was very upset, and he was worried it was because he gave her cashews. I came home.
Aside from being very congested and sounding like an 80-year-old man who had smoked three packs of cigs for every day of his life, she was in a pleasant mood and seemed fine. Then....
hives appeared on her neck and around her mouth. So we headed to the hospital. I was terrified that she would go into anaphylactic shock or possibly aspirated on the cashews because of how she sounded when she took a breath.
By the time we got to the hospital, her hives had gotten worse, and she had red around her eyes and ears. But, the little trooper, she was in a very happy and pleasant mood! She entertained all the sick people in the ER. What a sweetie pie.
Oh no, poor love!! Allergic reactions are no fun at all :(. However I did notice that in the one picture that shows her face straight on the little red mark below her lips looks like a little heart...
Poor Chloe and poor Daddy! That must have been scary! Thank God she is ok:0)
How is Chloe today?
Oh, She looks pathetic. Poor little girl.
Poor Chloe, that looks like quite the reaction.
oh wow...it is so scary when they have an allergic reaction! Hope she is doing well now!
those cashews look amazing. Where can i find them? Chloe looks so hurt though! Poor baby girl!
oh, and I enjoyed the room mate post, but im short on time to post it to the correct entry. Take it as a two for one comment. hehe
I hope Chloe is feeling better. What a sweetie to be in such good spirits the whole time. Waiting for the doctor is a PAIN!
Poor thing! How Scary!
Glad she's OK!
That is so sad! I'm glad that she could still breathe and was in good spirits. What a lousy allergy. I haven't tried those. If I ever see them I will be sure to!
My new URL is
Oh my poor Chole & poor dad.
I am so glad that is wasn't worse.
I hope that she is doing better now.
She is such a sweet little angel.
Those cashews look so good where did you find them?
What a funny coincidence, too bad poor Chloe didn't react to the cashews like you did. I'm glad that everything turned out well.
OH MY! That poor little sweetie! Yikes did she ever get red and hived up! I've never tried those...but they sound delicious. I guess not so much to poor Chloe!
Awww poor Chloe!
I hope she's doing better today?
Poor baby!
ok im having a panic attack just looking at these pics. Your so awesome Tara. Im scared to death what Ill do if when this girl comes. I sure hope she makes it to her first birthday- I can already see me going crazy over the smallest things. haha... Poor lil Chloe- HOpe she is doing better!
Oh my goodness! Little trooper is right. The sight of her red little eyes made me cringe in pain.
SO glad to see that Chloe is doing well now.
She amazing-still smiling with red puffy eyes and all. I'm glad that she recovered from her reaction.
God Bless,
Oh dear, no cashews ever? Poor girl. Totally my favorite nut of all time. Sorry you had to find out that she's allergic, but glad she didn't aspirate. Scary, isn't it? Hope she's better!
WOW she is a trooper!! I wish I would have gotten on here sooner to send out some prayers for her. I have been slacking also at the whole blog thing!! But I am so glad to hear she is doing better!!! NO more cashews YIKES!! Hope she gets feeling better!
Oh man, that is SO scary! My husband is an RN and tells me that it can get worse each time it happens too. Some people think they'll just "get used to it", and try again with foods. Wow, she is really red and blotchy-- I'm so glad she's okay and you knew what did it!
WOW! That poor, poor girl! I would have been scared to death too! I've been lucky that Ryan has no food allergies and Kara seems to be ok so far too.
I hope this is the only thing she is allergic too! Good Luck and I am so glad she is ok!
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