Today I had lots of weeding to get done, then I watched my nephew Jake for a couple of hours. When I have stuff to do and Chloe's a good girl so I can get it done, I always say, "You're such a good helper!" Her reaction to that statement is equal to that of lottery winners - she loooooves being a good helper!

With Jake at the park:

Mother Goose and I have made amends since our last run-in. How cute are these little goslings!?!?!....
Speaking of help, I need it. Tonight I was given a church calling to do activities with the 9-10-year-old girls every other week. I don't remember being that age. What do 9-10-year-old girls like to do?????
crafts crafts and more crafts!!!!!!! You will do a great job!!!! For Mari's achievment days the leader had them either pay for or bring a white tshirt and then they tie tied it. Then every week that is the uniform that they wear. All the girls love it!!
They do like crafts. And just being together. Most of them are already friends. They can be pretty silly.
I think it is so wonderful that Chloe enjoys being helpful!
Cute pictures (as always). Good luck with the girls, arts and crafts seem to be the way to go.
Those goslings are very cute...from afar.
cute pics!
9-10 year olds...ahh that is my niece! She loves to complain about Mom lol!
I agree...crafty things.
Maddie is 10 and she LOVES achievement days. She loves the crafts. They have painted, learned to make a dinner, learned to make cookies, did a sewing project, crafts, crafts, crafts! Oh and talking and giggling. Her leaders recruit help from the different mom's and ladies in the ward if there is a special "talent" that they might have to come share with the girls, like the sewing project. RECRUIT HELP AND HAVE FUN!!:) BTW Chloe is darling, as always!
great pics of both kids! glad you were able to make up with Mother Goose!
Great pictures. Glad to see you didn't have another run in with the goose.
9-10 year olds? How about friendship bracelets?
She looks so happy to be helping with weeding! :)
You're such a good aunt to take Jake to the park. I'm lazy. :)
Emma is just starting Activity Days. Her leaders assured me that they have a lot of fun doing simple things like letting the girls do the leaders' hair. Next week is the mother/daughter dinner and Emma is making brownies all by herself and serving them.
Chloe is a big helper. Never forget to tell her that!
Oh all of the pictures are just too cute! What a doll.
I think crafts & really easy cooking things.
My daughter is almost 17 & she's always been a tom boy so I can't go off her.
I do know how to make scarfs by using only your fingers though & I just got done teaching the YW in my ward.
It's pretty easy if you want me to teach you how sometime I will.
Oh by the way I forgot to congratulate you on your new calling!!!
She's gotta be the cutest helper ever! What a doll! Love the photos.
Emily is 9 now-- she loves crafts of any kind, reading out loud, drawing, writing poems. Making stuff out of beads is always a favorite!
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