

Red-Letter Day

Today was a red-letter day for many reasons. It started out being a literal red-letter day, with a University of Utah scrimmage football game....

The men went, and all came back with matching red heads....

and red foreheads....

It was also a noteworthy day because I was surprised with....

these pretty flowers! and....

this delicious cake from Mrs. Backer's Bakery in Salt Lake. This is not just any other cake. This is the most fattening (and hence, most delicious cake) EVER made! Trust me, I had a piece (or two)!

My birthday is not actually for two days, but Oby and Tami wanted to surprise me when I wasn't expecting it. The surprise idea totally worked and I liked it! Thanks you two!!!! Happy early Birthday to me!!!


Shelly said...

Happy early birthday!! You scared me because I thought it was already the 20th and I was way behind!

I hope you've got a good supply of aloe for Oby! Ow, that looks painful!!

AndreaLeigh said...

happy early birthday tara!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Love the sunburned heads pic! said...

Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY early Tara! and those red heads look like my husbands bald head from yesterday. We were outside all day at our daughters soccer games...whew. Need some sunscreen.
Hope you have a great day!

Jamie :-)

Suzi said...

Happy birthday Tara, the flowers are beautiful!

Amanda said...

Oh, Happy Birthday, Tara. I hope you had a really wonderful day!

The Pachuilo Family said...

Happy Birthday! it seems we have a lot of family birthday's in April.

Becky said...

Happy early Birthday! Nothing says spring like burnt heads!

Susan said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARA ~ I hope you have a FABULOUS day tomorrow!! It is always nice to get something early for your day!

Heatherlyn said...

I hope you have a very happy birthday! Everyone deserves to eat as much delicious cake as they can eat on their birthday!

The picture of the red heads is classic!

Mel said...

Hope you have a great birthday!!! You already have a great start with a cake like that!! Just remember to have some more on the real birthday!!!:)

Ashley said...

Yay! Happy Early Birthday! Love all the matching red heads and faces. Hehe!

Mandy said...

Happy Birthday Girl!! IT is a beautiful day to have a birthday!! What a great husband to be so sweet!! I hope you do something fun and amazing!! You deserve a great day!!

Florrie said...

Really? Seriously? Where can I get me some of that cake.....'cause I need a piece two pieces...and that's just how I roll.

Happy B-Day on Wednesday. Hope you have a fantastic day with many more pieces of heavenly cake.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Happy early birthday! How sweet!!

Becky said...

Happy early bday! Today was my husbands:) So those fattening cakes have been making the rounds:)

That blk and wht slide show you have is the neatest thing! If you don't mind me asking, how did you do that? I really love it!

And I have been wondering if your little girls ears have graced any earrings yet?