

Coming Out of the Digi Scrap Closet - Waaay Out!

Things You Know I'm Obsessed With: Oby, Chloe, music, losing weight, eating (yes, it's a sad irony), Diet Dr. Pepper, family, blogging, (not necessarily in that order.... ;o)

Something You May Not Know I'm Obsessed With: Digital Scrapbooking.

I've mentioned that I took a class and have done a few pages, but what I haven't mentioned is that I do a few pages every night! I schedule time to work on it every day. Admittedly, it's taken precedence over blogging (gasp!), even the kidz blog. Wow, now you may understand how obsessed I've become! I did a book for Oby of his entire life, a Mother's Day book for my mom, and now I'm working on my dad, and some of Oby's other family members as well. I thought it would make me feel overwhelmed, but I enjoy digi scrapping so much, that I just find myself truly enjoying it and thinking of whose life I'm going to document in a book next! I may petition the neighbors if I run out of family pictures.... You think I'm kidding???

Anyway, this post is merely an application of sorts to see if I can make it in the digi scrap creative world. I'm applying for the a position on the Creative Team of one of my favorite digi scrap sites! How fab would it be to fuse two of my favorite hobbies - blogging and digi scrapping!?!? So here's a gallery of a handful of my digi scrap moments for the 'powers that be' to see. So to the others of you who have already seen some of these pages, sorry.

These two layouts are made with Scraps of Ellay's latest kit, Child's Play....

I stole this layout idea from JennCk. It was too cute to pass up!...

This is Oby's mom (of Nana's Kitchen) and her mom waaaaay back in the day. Cute, huh!

And here are a few more....

I love this pic of my dad and I like how this layout turned out!

and of course Chloe's Bday invite

The rest of these are from the book of Oby's life. Enjoy!....

Thanks for stopping by!


Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

They are gorgeous scrapbook pages. Wow, that's amazing.

heather said...

Are you going to come to my house to show me how?! The one of your dad is my favorite and the Eternity one. Did you do those with PSE?

Heatherlyn said...

I've never tried it. But yours look really good and I bet you had a ton of fun making them!

Chris and Kerri said...

WOW! You are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I used to scrapbook back when it was still paper and embellishments. I actually worked in the scrapbooking industry for 6 years designing papers and such! However, I don't digi scrap but have bee looking for someone to hire to do my husbands scrapbook! :o). Contact me if you are interested!

Tinabean said...

You have so many talents it's just not fair :)
I think you do a wonderful job.
I've wanted to get into didi scrapping but I don't know where or how to start.

Ryan.Kendra.Makenzie.Tracker said...

So how much do you charge to teach someone how to do this digi scrapin? I cant seems to find enough time and well money to complete my other scrapbooks- This seems like it would solve both issues.
I love the pages- You are amaazing! I think its so funny to see lil Oby. What a cutie...