

"When I Grow Up"

When I was a little girl and people asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would always answer, "A teacher who drives a Ferrari."

This month, half of my childhood plans have come to fruition. I've become a teacher!

A digital scrap booking teacher.....

I've been teaching two classes, one in SLC and one in Syracuse. It has been so much fun! I've loved watching everyone become addicted like I am. Tonight was the last class in SLC. I'll miss seeing these ladies every week (sniff)....

Now. About that Ferrari....


Shelly said...

What a fun thing! I'm going to have to stop by and get a mini-lesson from you.

And I'll give you one of my Ferrari's as soon as I get them.

Grand Pooba said...

I know, I am so sad too! I'm thinking I might just keep showing up on Thursdays to scrap at Nana's house. I'm sure she wouldn't mind as long as I leave my mom at home. LOL

(totally kidding mom!)

Nana said...

You are a good teacher too!!!!!!