I love my birthday. Besides that it's Hitler's birthday, 4/20 is a symbol for marijuana & it's the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing & Columbine shootings. Aside from that, though, it's just a wonderful day! I really do feel special on my birthday. I wish everyone felt like that every single day! Thank you to everyone who makes every day special, and especially my birthday. Here's a quote that helps explain why I like getting older and don't hold onto my youth like some people do. I love the wisdom that comes with each day and the joy that comes with that wisdom.
I think of life as a good book.
The further you getinto it, the more it begins to make sense.
~Harold S. Kushner
Happy 4/20 to everyone!!! ;)
Happy Birthday Tara! Your one year older and wiser too, Happy Birthday to you!
Happy birthday Tara!! Hope this year is filled with tons of love and laughter :)
Happy Birthday!!!! I like 4/20.... I think it's a really great day!!:)
It is also Bennett's birthday.. So there are two great people born that day as Grandpa Bennett would say..
Oh, I'm a day late! I hope you had an AMAZING birthday! :) HUGS
Happy birthday!! I truly hope it's a great year for you!
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