

To Do

To do lists.... we've all got them!
Mine is pretty simple and to the point.

I get stuff done and I try to be awesome.
I've recently had two pretty major priorities under the category of "stuff":
working out and spring cleaning.

This is the workout that's been making me sore, if nothing else.
Hopefully it pays off on the scale as well!

This is what I've been using to clean things up around my house.
I love the smell!

It makes me truly happy to know that there is a deep-down clean in at least two of the rooms in my house! Between a full-time work schedule and all the other things going on in life, it's slow-going, but it's getting done nonetheless! In regard to spring cleaning, I can honestly say that I'm really, really glad that our house is small and quaint! ;)

Another sub-category under my list of "stuff" to do is thrilling and exciting!
I've got to study up and really learn how to use my....

drum roll please....

new camera!!!

This is an early birthday present
from my parents and hubby.

Here are some pix I grabbed this weekend. Please keep in mind that I barely know which button to push and forget to take the lens cap off half the time. This camera has much more potential than what these pictures show, but they are still high quality and I'm so very happy about it! Yay!!!

Chloe loves french fries, especially from Crown Burger, and especially when they're dipped in fry sauce. She gets so excited when I get some for her, and I usually do on the weekends. I just love this silly girl!

We frequently go on scenic drives on the weekends with my parents. Today was such a beautiful spring day, and we had a delightful drive!

Papa let Chloe listen to some of his music and Chloe found out that she loves Ricky Skaggs! She did not stop squealing for over an hour. Papa was overjoyed that Chloe liked his music.... I think he may have squealed a time or two as well! ;)

My to do list usually consists of creating a music soundtrack at least once a week. However, the soundtrack to this weekend's cleaning and scenic drive was LDS General Conference. It was so wonderful! I am so grateful for the direction of a living prophet. I was enlightened and spiritually fed.

President Thomas S. Monson

Maybe it's the spring cleaning?
Maybe it's the lessons I learned in this book?
I don't know, but I feel like I have been cleansed,
like a light has been lit inside me....
My mind and heart feel more in sync,
and I feel like every single day is filled with so much possibility,
and like life's potential is limitless!
Of course, these are not new concepts,
but somehow the concepts have truly resonated in me recently.

It's no news, we struggle financially,
even with both of us working,
it's hard to make ends meet.
This has been the hardest thing for me in the past couple of years.
I had worked hard my entire life to achieve excellence,
not so I could be rich, but so I wouldn't struggle.
And here we are -- struggling.

But guess what, folks?
In a global and eternal perspective,
we are richly blessed.
Until recently, I didn't realize that.
I focused on what we didn't have.
What a sad mistake!
I was waiting to enjoy so many things,
focusing only on getting ahead financially.
Again, not to be rich, but not to struggle.
What a waste of days.

I love these quotes. Perhaps they express what I'm trying to get across more clearly. I'm struggling putting my thoughts into words (mostly because I'm also watching Celebrity Apprentice while I type).

One of the main things I was always feeling discouraged about was our house.
Don't get me wrong, I love our house and always did.
But I glossed over all the good things,
and deep down I just wanted to have tens of thousands of dollars
to finish all the unfinished projects and decorate exactly like I want,
and THEN I would be happy.

Sheesh! How silly!
You create your happiness, not by what you have or don't have.
Again, words and concepts I understood before,
but now, somehow, I think I really get it.

So I decided if there are things I want to be different in my house,
by golly, I'm either going to change them in whatever way I can,
or I'm going to change the way I think about them!

So one of the first things I've decided to do is to update our family room.
This is the room where we spend most of our time.
We spent $5 on a can of paint to update the mantel,
found a killer deal on a scratch and dent mirror,
and spruced up a flower arrangement.
Between those few small things along with the deep cleaning I just did,
the room feels like a brand new addition to our home!
Then I found this creative idea and decided to recreate it above our television.

idea from flickr: sweet sweet life

I just used paper scraps I had on hand, dusted off my Cricut, and went to work!
I think it turned out pretty cute.
It adds whimsy to the room, and now I've always got a Beatles song in my head!
What's not to love?!?!?

Notice what Chloe was watching when I snagged the picture!
"Meeska Mooska" is always on at our house!


What's on your to do list this week?
You can just borrow my to do list,
then go ahead and check off: be awesome :)


nursenicki said...

First-time visitor here, by way of Odd Girl Out ;) Just wanted to let you know that you've spoken to my heart...we also struggle financially, and I get down about our house and its lack of progress/cuteness...but you are right, we are so blessed in many ways. Have a great week (don't bother looking @ my blog, it hasn't been updated in months...grad school does that to me!)

Becky said...

Best to do list EVER! I'm adopting that. :)

April said...

Love your to do list- your insight- and YOU

The Pachuilo Family said...

Tara, where do I begin... this is such a great post.

I also wanted to say that I love those fries just as much as Chloe. It just stinks that I can only get them in Utah. I just have to wait a few more weeks and I will get to enjoy those fries too.

I also use the same cleaning stuff and LOVE the smell. A clean house makes me happy!

I will also have to send you these workouts that are high calorie burners and the great thing is there are 4 completely different cardio workouts and the are only 45 min. each. So look for that in the mail.

And I can't end without saying how cute Chloe is and how lucky she is to have you as her Mom. Your an amazing woman!

Also LOVE your quotes and your "Love is all you need" banner!

marie clare said...

Im inspired! That work out list made me tired just reading it!! Your post really spoke to me, can I steal you dont put off your happy quote?
Great banner!

Jennifer said...

I've been in a rut the past week or so. Your post has given me a little inspiration. Thank you!

Lisa said...

Yay for a new camera! And I love your to do list. I feel more awesome already.

Nana said...

I loved that post.
I am jealous you got a new camera!
FACT!!!! said...

Love IS all you need , that and a clean SMELLING home will feed your soul. I am committed to celebrating the simple things EACH day. Great post!