

Cowgirls just wanna have fun!

When we found out Chloe was going to start Therapeutic Horseback Riding, we did some preparation..... I'm talking about Cowgirl Fashion, of course!

Here's Chloe's horsey shirt. Isn't it cute?

But not as cute as the boots.....

Are you dying? I know.

Cutest cowgirl boots ever.


Daddy came (after his JV team won 62-0. Go Panthers!). The Buffalo Ranch is like Disneyland for little bucaroos. I'm serious, it is hard to explain, you just have to see it.

We are so grateful to Buffalo Ranch and the volunteers who work with all the special needs children. We're also thankful to Waddell & Reed for sponsoring Chloe's therapy.

Chloe LOVED the horses (for awhile anyway).

Here she is, checking out the therapist who rode with her.
This is her horse, Summer. Summer is 23-years-old!
Wow, that's old for a horse.
Most people think Oby's a jock, but
he's actually a cowboy at heart.
I love my country boy!

Why Therapeutic Horseback Riding (equitherapy) you ask? My sweetie has a severe seizure disorder accompanied by significant developmental delays. You can find her entire story by clicking HERE. Wikipedia says: Therapeutic riding can be beneficial to many people with special needs. The most obvious and often the most immediately recognizable benefit is physical. Because riding is a very physical activity, children and adults with special physical needs and various physical impairments can benefit from riding. Instructors employ a variety of physical tasks that help improve balance, muscle strength, flexibility, joint movement, and posture. There are also cognitive, emotional, social, and psychological benefits. Basically, it's fabulous and we're so excited and grateful to be involved!
Yee Haw!
(That's 'Boo-yah' for us cowboy folk)


Emma said...

Did you get a matching pair of boots! I cannot believe how big she is. I think the picture of Oby holding her really shows how big she is getting. She is still as cute as ever. She is also included in two little girls prayers everynight! Love you guys!

Ryan.Kendra.Makenzie.Tracker said...

This is so awesome. I love that Chloe is able to do these kinds of things to help her. I love the boots... Cant wait till I get a little cowbaby and dress them up cute like that. Ryan and Oby def are cowboys at heart- EVEN though they grew up in SLC :)

Jamie said...

Chloe makes the cutest cowgirl ever. Where did you find those boots? Too cute. Looks like fun.

Jessica said...

That is so neat that you found the horseback riding program! She looked like she enjoyed it. I swear every time you snap a picture she grows :)!! I hope all is well for you, oby, and baby chloe!!!

Mrs. Bennett said...

I love idea of Horseback riding therapy! She looks like she just loves it.

Nathan and Dianna Wiley said...

I agree wholeheartedly! Horseback riding is therapeutic for me too! Chloe puts a whole new meaning to Cow"girl" up!! Way to go, oh I mean, YEEHAW!

Jeri Dawn said...

Woo hoo! How incredibly adorable. May it bring you and Chloe all the blessings you deserve. I want to come!

BloggessJ said...

Happy SITS day Tara! Where do I get a pair of those boots for ME?!? To cute! One of the people who goes to our church had a horse that lived to be over 30 years old.

Givinya De Elba said...

That looks like fun! Lots of people with disabilities enjoy horseriding here in Australia as well.

Hccm said...

She is so beautiful! Love the boots!

congrats on your saucy blog!

Rachael said...

Happy SITS day lady!

I LOVE the boots, they are so freaking adorable.

I think Horse Therapy is so cool, my stepdad used to volunteer for a place that did that. I hope that it works out well for you!

Femina said...

Popping over from SITS. Those boots are awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

My 5-year-old son took up horse riding and was hooked. he absolutely adores it.
And there is mummy on the side lines thinking 'look at the SIZE of that horse they're planning to put him on!'

Tiny Tutus said...

HOLY COW those are some fantastic boots!! She's so adorable! Sounds like equitherapy will be great for her...I hope you'll post updates (if you have already I haven't made it there yet!).

Dropping in from SITS!

Anonymous said...

She looks so happy up on that horse! That is such a cool form of therapy.

Anonymous said...

Cinderella was right. Shoes can change your life!

Kimmie said...

How Precious! Happy SITS Day.

Anonymous said...

omgosh, I want those boots! Total cuteness!

jewelstreet said...

She is an absolute beauty! How precious is she?! I'm glad she's getting the equine therapy. It's supposed to be really awesome.

Btw, Congrats on being the queen for today on SITS!

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Awww, how adorable!
Love the cute hair bows in the lil cowgirls head, and the boots are wonderful!

Happy SITS day!!

Anonymous said...

She is the cutest little cowgirl ever. I love those boots.

I'll have to get one for my little guy, but somehow I think the male version would loose something.

Heather said...

Those are the cutest little boots on such a sweet little girl! Happy SITS Day!

wendy said...

I know of a few people who do this therapy and it works wonders. The boots are ADORABLE!!

Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Love those boots! What a neat blessing to be able to take her horse back riding. Your daughter is a little doll.

Mimi said...

I love the pic of your little cowgirl rockin' her boots!

Emma said...

That is wonderful! I hope it helps her a lot, I know a bit about it and I know a few people whos children also use it for therapy and it has helped them a lot.. I used to know a girl with lukemia and I would give her riding lessons all the time just to see her smile!

Anonymous said...

Here in Maine where we live, we have a huge therapeutic ranch nearby and in the summer especially it's an absolute joy to drive by and hear the giggles and squeals of delight from the kids who not only benefit from the riding, but seem to get so much joy out of it.

Here's to hoping Chloe's New Year is filled with new milestones and as much joy as possible.

Sarah said...

What a precious little girl! And those boots are just adorable!
Visiting you from SITS!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful way to get therapy. And of course the boots are adorable.

Anonymous said...

I think this is amazing...having been a rider myself in the past I know how fun and rewarding it is to spend time on a horse. I totally believe all of the benefits you listed...Chloe is one lucky little girl! And cute boots, of course.

Amy W said...

That's great! I had no idea they did therapy with horse and such young kids. Good luck!

Maggie R said...

AWEEEEEEE what a darling child.... and the BOOTS!!!! Too cute..

Island Girl said...

Your little girl is precious! So Cute!! Happy SITS day!

Erika said...

HI! Congrats on the SITS feature! What a sweet girl! What cute boots! And equinetherapy is just too awesome!!!

Heather said...

happy SITS day! i LOVE the boots! your daughter is adorable. :) and i find that horses are incredibly therapeutic as well. i have 6 here and they bring me a lot of happiness :)

Cammie said...

oh I LOVE those boots. Wish they made them in my size!


Congrats on your Saucy feature! I've heard so many wonderful things about equitherapy. :o)

Heather said...

Chloe is such a cutie! Her boots are ALMOST as cute as she is. Happy SITS Day!!

Coffee with Cathy said...

Precious, precious photos. Thanks so much for sharing.

Nicole O'Dell said...

CUTE boots ans an even cuter little girl!

Happy SITS day!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

How fun! Horses are awesome! I read the link on the right-hand side of your page about Chloe. She sounds like the most amazing little girl, and you are the most amazing mom as well. Happy SITS day.

{leah} said...

Those boots totally rock!! I love the picture of her on the hose with the other girl, tha is a really cute one.

Safire said...

Over here from SITS. I love equitherapy! I used to be a trainer for the horses, and it's amazing what the horses can do for everyone involved. :) And those boots are too cute!

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Those boots are so cute.
But your little girl is so much cuter. :D
I had never heard of equitherapy, but that is pretty neat.
COngrats on being Feature on SITS

Sherrie said...

Your daughter is precious, and those boots are too cute. Congrats on being a FB over at SITS! My son goes to speech therapy at a place that uses the horseback therapy. He LOVES getting to ride on the horse every other week. It's a super neat program. Happy 2009.

April said...

Happy SITS Day! Adorable boots and such a precious story about your daughter! Thanks for sharing!

Crazy Momma said...

I am so happy that you have found something that both you and your baby doll are able to enjoy! I have heard many amazing wonderful things about therapeutic riding.

And, yes, those boots are too cute :)

Jen said...

What cute boots and a cute little girl. You story is amazing.

Anonymous said...



I love the picture where she's looking up at her therapist.

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is adorable! What a great form of therapy. I hope it is successful!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

What a cutie. And look at how tiny she looks on that horse. But freakin' adorable.

There is a farm around the corner from us that does the hippotherapy. Sounds like an oxymoron to have a farm around the corner, huh?

blognut said...

Great photos and a very cute kid!

kalea_kane said...

Chloe looks like she is going to have a wonderful time with this therapy! She makes a pretty little cowgirl too.

Kelly :)

Tiffany said...

Awe Those Boots are too cute! I have heard many wonderful things about this type of therapy!

Congratulations on your SITS day!

Heather and Daniel said...

I love the picture of her on the horse looking up. She is adorable.

Preston said...

I never heard of equitherapy but it sounds like a great idea. What a beautiful little girl you have. And from the few cowboys I know, they say that not all jocks are cowboys but all cowboys are jocks.

Elizabeth M Thompson said...

The boots are cute, but Chloe outshines them! What a blessing she must be.

Mrsbear said...

Happy SITS day. Your daughter is beautiful and very fashionable. ;-) She makes me want a pair of those cowgirl boots. They go with everything.

Cristin said...

I've heard such great things about this therapy... we would have loved to do it for Graham but I'm DEATHLY allergic to horses... bummer...

And yes, cutest boots EVER.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the cowgirl outfit...the books are killer...

I LOVE horses...there is just something about a large strong animal...I hope your daughter loves therapy.

Anna Lefler said...

Awesome boots! And love the photos...

:^) Anna

AdriansCrazyLife said...

I'm in Sandy and I had no idea we had something so cool this close. Congrats on your SITS day and I hope this therapy does some awesome things for your cute little girl.

Tiffany said...

I think those boots on your adorable girl's fee just made my ovaries ping.. delicious!

RuensOnTheRun said...

She is adorable!! I hope she enjoys the horses and builds a bond with them. We live in TX and my boys love horses. I love her boots and your hat...too cute!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Oh my goodness...CUTE CUTE CUTE!

Congratulations on your SITS Day...what a wonderful complement and VERY big deal! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Those boots, not to mention her bow, are adorable!

Vickie said...

My daughter would love those boots!! She is such a girlie chick.

Your daughter is so cute!

I hoped the therapy worked for her.

Unknown said...

Love the boots! Congrats on being featured at SITS today. I also live in Utah (West Jordan though).

Hopefully this therapy will do great things for that cute, sweet little girl!

Blessings to you and yours...

Aubrey said...

Oh! Those boots are too cute! I have heard about all the great benefits of Therapeutic Horseback Riding!

BTW, Blackbird is playing right now and I love this song and how Sarah McLachlan sings it!!

Karol said...

Happy SITS day! You have a beautiful little girl! She looks adorable on her horse!!

Reeni said...

What a cutie! SITS sent me and I'm so glad!

Leslie said...

A dear friend of mine helps with therapeutic horseback riding and she LOVES it. She loves the horses; she loves the kids. And she loves to see the magic created by bringing the two together.

I hope Chloe gets to enjoy this for years to come!

- a SITSta

Andrea said...

What adorable boots! And an adorable little girl, of course.

Happy SITS day!

Courtney said...

Those boots are too cute!!! And, Chloe is just adorable! I hope the therapeutic riding is helpful! How fun!

Anonymous said...

SUCH a girly-girl cowgirl!!! I LOVE the bow and the boots ARE to die for. I can't wait to see how Chloe progresses with her horseriding therapy. That is amazing. (Sometimes God uses angels in animal skins, ya know!)

AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

How cute are those boots...not as cute as Chloe though. Happy SITS day!

jubilee said...

We have two things in common: a love for cowgirl boots on our daughters and country boys!

Rhea said...

I'm a sucker for cowgirl boots. Those are pretty is Chloe! I love her name and she's just adorable.

I love the idea of therapeutic horseback riding. Really wonderful.

Mammatalk said...

I have heard of this type of therapy before. I have heard great things about it. Enjoy! Your family is gorgeous!

Ali said...

Those boots are too cute! My son is needing some new boots this year and I may just have to get the yellow and green they have for boys--adorable!

JessicaMarie said...

This is so cool! I wonder what sort of training the therapists go through to practice equitherapy. It seems like it would be related to occupational therapy, but so highly specialized!

The boots!! Ohhhhh my goodness!! I can't stand the cuteness!

Melissa Lester said...

The boots? Cute. The tiny little cowgirl? ADORABLE!! I hope she gets many benefits from riding!

Anonymous said...

I love this post. Especially the photo of Chloe looking at her therapist. So sweet!

Jeanne Estridge said...

She is adorable, and it's great to see that you recognize what an amazing gift you have in her.

What A Card said...

Happy SITS day!

What cute boots, what a fun day that must have been! She's so adorable...

Carey said...

Too cute! She looks like she had a blast! said...

Woo Hoo for you being FB :-) As I always say, your Chloe is a doll...I'll bet she loves the horses!

Carrie said...

Too cute! Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Happy SITS day

Ronnica said...

That's a neat idea...and your daughter is adorable in those cowgirl boots!

Michelle said...

Oh I am SUCH a fan of equitherapy. I only wish I could find a way to fit it into Mister Man's schedule without deregulating him on something else... but there are others who need it more. The barn near us is a place I am *definitely* going to volunteer at once both wee ones are in school full day. SUCH a worthwhile place. And I can get my horse fix ;) Not quite the same as jumping, but close enough!

Good luck and I hope the hippotherapy is helping!

Jennifer said...

She's the cutest little cowgirl ever! How interesting about theraputic horseback riding--I'd never heard of that before!

Just Lisa said...

Happy SITS day!

I love the boots! I must get a pair for my daughter!

My brother is special needs, and he was involved with equitherapy as a child. He found it to be very beneficial!

Shannon said...

LOVE the boots. They look great on your little fashinista/cowgirl!

Hope you enjoyed your SITS day :)

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net said...

those boots are just too cute

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

Those boots! Those cheeks!

She's beauftiful!

Amy said...

Visiting from SITS ( a day late) great post, love the cheeks and the boots :)