

A Daddy's Love

Chloe was born May 9, 2007. She was perfect. I had been awake for 36 hours and in labor for 12, so I was completely exhausted. Oby and the nurses took her to be bathed. Oby brought her back to show me how beautiful she was when she was all cleaned up....

The nurses took her into the nursery for awhile so we could get some rest. They told us she was so good. They said we were lucky to have such an easy baby. Well, "easy" lasted for only a few days. And most of you know the rest of the story.

When we finally figured out what was going on and realized that Chloe would be a special needs child, and would likely have physical disabilities, Oby struggled in accepting that. Then one day he emailed me a letter he had written....

Being a father has always been a dream of mine, to watch my children grow and be happy. From the day we were given bad news that Chloe might not sit, walk or be able to do all the things a parent wants their child to be able to do, I have struggled in dealing with that. But as I have seen her struggle, I realize that she needs me to be strong for her. I have come to understand that it's not what I want for her that is important, but that I will always be there for her and support her. I want her to chase big dreams, to give her any chance to do what she wants in this life. No matter what, she will always be my baby girl. Love you Chloe. -Dad

Nothing beats a daddy's love. And a good daddy is the most attractive quality in a husband. Am I right, ladies???


Stephanie said...

Okay that was SO sweet!! It made me cry a litte!! I love it!

Suzi said...

Spoken like a true dad. Cloe is lucky to have 2 very strong parents in her life.

Heatherlyn said...

I think, if Chloe knew that she would have these challenges that for some reason will help her to blossom, that she chose you two to be her parents. I can't imagine better parents. You all three will make it. Life is short. You are obviously living for something much more enduring.

Amanda said...

Oh, that is just the sweetest thing! It brought tears to my eyes reading that. You really have a wonderful man, Tara!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Oby is a special dad, so beautiful. Thank you.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Oh! That is so beautiful and sweet! You are one BLESSED FAMILY!!!

Colleen said...

oh I am all teary eyed! That was so sweet!

Shelly said...

I love this! Sometimes daddies get left out of the picture, and it's so important to remember them and their love, support and that they experience the heartache and change of heart too!

Mrs. Bennett said...

Hey, she shares my birthday! What a cute little girl she is. You and Chloe are both so blessed to have such a father and husband.

Diane said...

you are very blessed, on so may levels. trinity's bio father just couldn't handle it at all and has since fallen off the face of the earth it would seem.
just as well. i'm doing a fine job by myself.
daddy/daughter love is the most special-est tho i think.

tiff(threeringcircus) said...

How very sweet. Look how in love he looks.

Emma said...

That is a great letter. One that will have to go in the baby book! You have one great man on your hands!!!!

Kyla said...

Oh, that was so sweet!

vsm/whirling dirvish photography said...

*wow* gave me goosebumps... Your man is a big sweetheart...

And your angel! She's too precious.. that's a great first shot.

Kim said...

Thanks for making me cry. I have to get a piece toilet paper now. I'm out of Kleenex.

Natalia said...

okay, I keep getting too choked up to comment but I'm blinking through the tears so I can type out that your man is one of the good ones!

Nana said...

Oh, as usual I am at my desk crying. Sweet Oby.

Celine said...

That totally made me cry...
You guys are amazing parents!

~pen~ said...

that touched my heart. you guys are brave and loving parents and to that you are saluted.

Kendall said...

I can only hope to be half the parent you two are to Daybreak. That letter made me choke up a bit.

I shall most definitely be stopping by again soon as you are now on my blogroll.

- Kendall from Mama Kat's

Anonymous said...

That completely touched me. You are all blessed to be a family.

KatBouska said...

Oh wow! You are SO right...a good dad (who cleans) is the best! He sounds amazing.

Michelle said...

Tara - your blog gives me inspiration! Keep up the heartfelt blogging!