

No More 'R Word' Please!

A giant thank you to my bloggy friend Lana for letting me know about this movement that has been started by the Special Olympics....

To be completely honest, I use the word on occasion. I stop myself always, but it's often at the tip of my tongue. Not to be used to mock or be unkind - of course - but just using it in jest, usually referring to myself. But it is not a kind word. To even think of someone using that word in reference to Chloe literally makes my heart ache. Please don't use it. Help spread the word to end the word!!!


Cynthia said...

I have heard that the schools around here will begin treating that word like many other derogetory words (like the N-word) and will level the same consequences for its usage.

I used that word all the time in high school, like most of my friends. I will ocassionally 'think' that word but I've gotten out of the habit of using it out loud.

Now if I could just do the same for the other cuss words I'd be all set!

Angela said...

I hate the word too! The new term the schools use is "intellectually disabled". I learned this through my stepson's IEP meeting. Sounds nicer at first but then not so much!

Just Me said...

I took the pledge, and I added the link to my facebook, and my blog... :)

AndreaLeigh said...

i have really mixed feelings about this. I hope it's ok to have a differing opinion.

I can understand if it is said as an insult. that should never happen! it should not be a derogatory term.

but it is a medical diagnosis. people with iq under 70 are mentally retarded.

i never, ever used this term before I started working where i do. in fact, I balked during my interview when my boss told me my client would be MR adults. I remember thinking "what??? how can she say that?"

we can say it however we want but the fact remains that when people are screened for services through school or the state, they are tested and labeled. we don't have to like it but it is what it is. i don't necessarily think it is a bad thing b/c without that label a lot of people wouldn't get the tools and training they need to improve their lives.

my two cents....

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Great post, as always!

Did you notice that something has been missing from your blog? It might have appeared around the time I stopped commenting? I’m sorry about all that. I took a little hiatus from the blogosphere, but I couldn’t stay away too long. After a break, I had to come by again and see what you’ve been up to.

Glad that I did.


PS: Thanks for the birthday love!

Becky said...

I am guilty of using this word on occasion, but also very aware when i do. i am quite sensitive to it, and really do try not to. I grew up with a handicapped father, so it does touch a nerve, but also grew up in a time where the term was used as slang. I do wish the use of it when people use it that way, would go away. There is no need for more hurtful words in this world. Great job bringing awarness!

Emma said...

Thank you so much for putting that out there. It was a great lesson to my children who like to use that word alot, Hopefully it will make them think a little before they use that word again!!
Thanks again!!!!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

I agree! It is a terrible word.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Let's make the "R" word mean "RESPECT".

Amanda said...

I have several 'R' words that come to mind when I think about Chloe; regal, radiant, rare, royal, right...and I'm sure if I sat here long enough I could come up with many more.

Heatherlyn said...

The word means slow. Sometimes I use it to refer to myself! But I agree that it isn't a word to be tossed around lightly!!!

Nana said...

That was great and something I need to work on too.

Grand Pooba said...

I have to admit that is a hard one for me to break, in fact I said it today and I always think afterwards that I shouldn't say that word. Thanks for the reminder!

Nana said...

Just say no to anorexia!!!!!!!!!!