

Mama Chloe, Never Give Up, Big Girl

Yesterday I took Chloe to a neuropsychological evaluation. It was long and exhausting for both of us. We'll get the results later. One thing that was evaluated is if Chloe has nurturing skills. I didn't think she did, but - Chloe never ceases to amaze me. She was handed a little baby doll, and she started giving it kisses and hugging it tight. Okay, so she also tried to chew its little head, but still... she nurtured!

The doctor was absolutely in love with Chloe. She kept telling me that I had made her entire week by bringing her in! She was amazed at how much determination Chloe has. She never gives up, no matter how hard things are. As she was given different tasks that are so challenging for her, she just kept trying and trying and trying and trying and trying and trying......... If the people around her don't give up on her, then she'll achieve things because SHE will NEVER give up!

She is so inspiring, even to someone who meets little kiddos like her all the time. As we were leaving, the doctor reminded me to come back next week and we'll go over the results. She reminded me that when we go over the results, it is highly recommended to leave the child with someone else so I can focus on what I'm being told. But she said, "In Chloe's case, I'll recommend for my sake that you DO bring her in!!!"

Afterward, we stopped to visit Will, and her nurturing skills went into high gear again. When she was holding Will, Taylor and Nana told her she was a 'big girl.' Boy oh boy did she like being called a big girl!!!

If only this picture showed how cute her dress was!


Sandy said...

That is the sweetest picture!

Tinabean said...

That is so Awesome!
She has a Wonderful mother & is a very lucky little girl.
She looks so big in this picture holding will.
She has the prettiest blue eyes ever!

Marie said...

Man that girl is cute! I always love her pictures and this one with Will is another jaw dropper! Talk about eyes to die for! She exudeds so much emotion in her pictures. I still can't believe how much she looks like you Tara! I am so happy that you are all well and that her nurturing side was displayed in her therapy. Gosh that is cute!

Jen said...

Awww. Chloe is so inspiring-what wonderful news. She's a little mother hen already. So adorable.

God's Shining Stars
Creative and Curious Kids!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Chloe is a big girl, looks so great with the baby.

Shelly said...

Big girls rock!! I love Chloe and Will together--so cute!! Her beauty blossoms more and more everyday! Good job!

Mel said...

She does look like quite the big girl in that picture, so cute!! I could learn a thing or two from Chloe, sometimes I think I give up way to easily!! Way to go Chloe, and way to go mom!!:)

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Such a lovely post about a lovely little girl, Tara. After seeing the last photo, it is hard to believe that Chloe is not nurturing. She is all love!


Emma said...

Way cool!!!!! She does look like a little mother holding Will. I love it!!!! Tell her I said "congratulations Big Girl!!" And give her lots of hugs and kisses from me!!!

Amanda said...

Ok, I'm all teary now and I just did my makeup. You 2 are awesome!

Love the baby cuddles...

Andrea said...

What a sweetie!

Becky said...

That's great that you have got such a personal doctor that has such an interest in Chloe! That makes everything that much easier!

What a cute picture of lil Mama Chloe:)

April said...

That's amazing! She learned her nuturing skills from a great mom!

CreativeMish said...

That is awesome that she's learning such great nuturing skills. I'm reading the book Nurture by Lisa Bevere about how how important it is in our lives. As Woman, God gave us the urgent need to nurture.

Cristy said...

This post made me cry. I love her and I haven't even met her. She must be a lot like her mom.

Heatherlyn said...

Wow, that's amazing. How comforting that must be to you. Physical impairments can only hold us back so much when our spirits are healthy. It looks like Chloe has a very very healthy spirit. I love that she has nurturing skills. She's being brought up in an environment where she sees them a lot. I'm sure it helps. I think she's going to be fine through her challenges. :)

Laura Marchant said...

Oh I love that picture! So cute.

Nana said...

I love those pictures. Chloe is a big girl and I know none of us are going to give up!!!!!!

Colleen said...

ohhh how adorable!

Natalia said...

LOL! You wrote it before I had a chance to - couldn't see her fabulous outfit! :) She always looks so darn cute!

I'm so happy for you - and vicariously proud.

She never ceases to impress and inspire - just like her momma!

Ryan.Kendra.Makenzie.Tracker said...

OH this girl is to cute! She is getting so big-

Mandy said...

I don't know about the dress but that is the cutest picture ever!! SHe is adorable with those big blues eyes and they radiat so much love!! She is so cute Tara!! BY that picture she is a Great nurturer!! :)

Grand Pooba said...

I love Chloe's face in that pic!

AshleyS said...

wonderful news and that pic is just too cute!!

The Pachuilo Family said...

I just love the picture of Chloe and Will. I first just looked at the pictures before I read and I said, "Wow, Chloe looks like a Big Girl and looks so cute holding Will, she looks like a little mom!" I laughed as I read what you wrote, because it was exactly what I said.
Good job Chloe, your becoming a BIG GIRL more and more.

Celine said...

Awww I love that picture of Chloe and Will!
Totally priceless!

Keri said...

I can't believe how grown up she looks! She's a beautiful princess! Precious photo.