

I Wish These Came in Chloe's Size

Heck, I wish they came in my size!

Chloe has pretty much lived in Mary Jane socks since she was born. Since she doesn't walk, and kicks off regular shoes with great ease, the socks worked perfectly for us! But now she has grown out of their largest size, and I am sad. I've been searching for some that are bigger than 24 months, and came across these, made by the same company as the mary jane socks, Trumpette. They only come in infant/toddler sizes as well, but I still had too oooh and aaah over them, and share them with you all.

These are baby mocs....

These are Andy Tracks:

Holy crap, are they not the cutest things ever!?!?! If you have a girl newborn-24 months, you have to get those for her so I can live vicariously through you.

Visit Trumpette for more cute stuff.


Diane said...

they are too cute! i'd wear 'em too!!

hmmm... i'll keep an eye out for some cutie shoes for chloe when i'm surfin' the web.

Mandy said...

oh these are so stickin cute!! I just wish I had a girl to wear anything pink or purple!!
Glad to hear that you are sleeping better!! I bet Chloe is maturing from this!! I think that is the hardest part about having a child with special needs is doing the hard stuff!! Because I always want to fix or make better for Tucker but it has truly been life changing for me to give it to the LOrd and ask for His help knowing that I can't do this for him all the time! He has grown through even the hard stuff and I know one day will thank me but until then I know that Fetal position!!
You are so great Tara and I thank you for your last comment on my blog!! It was so good and I am going to use it!! Perspective means everything!! thanks for your friendship!! HUGS!

Heatherlyn said...

They are super cute! I miss tiny little feet!

Shelly said...


Hazel Nut said...

Oh, those are super cute shoes! After 4 boys, I never thought about cute shoes for my baby girl...something new to think of :)

Have you ever heard of Medieval Moccasins? I just to work for them and they make the cutest little moccasins for kids.

I love them!