

If I Could

I was discussing Chloe's condition with a medical professional a few days ago. He was so sad when I told him about it, and I told him he wouldn't be sad if he met her, that she is perfect in my eyes. He said, "So you're saying you wouldn't change it if you could?"

I felt uncomfortable and didn't respond.

How could I respond to that?

I can't change it.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;

and wisdom to know the difference.

Tonight we found out that our dear friend's 3-month-old daughter has been diagnosed with SMA. Well, they are 99% sure it is SMA.

When I was driving home and thinking about them and the pain they must be feeling, I was wishing to take that pain away if I could.

If only I could.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
~Isaiah 55:8


Nana said...

There are many things I would change if I could. I realize however, these things are not up to me. We are put on this earth to learn, sometimes we don't like the lessons we are given. That's where faith comes in.

I remember when we first learned about Chloe. I didn't know if I could stand it. We have talked about this many times. The pain was too much, or so I thought. The pain is still there, I don't think it will ever leave. Some how though it is different now. I accept it and I am thankful that God trusted our family with such a sweet strong perfect soul.

Ryan and Kendra, I don't even know what to say. How hard this is for them. I know they wish they could change what they are going through. They are in my prayers.

Heatherlyn said...

Your post describes a lot of things very well. Life ... we don't have all the answers. But we believe they exist. We try to understand. We grow. Hopefully someday we will see the big picture.