


Please vote to help end SMA here.

If you need to know why I hate SMA and want it to be forever abolished from existence, you can go here, here, here, here or here.

Between January 15th and January 22nd, Chase Community Giving is allowing supporters to determine which charity will be given $1 million to support their cause.

I am asking you to support the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation. Any money donated to that foundation will go to finding the cure to end SMA, Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Although there is currently no cure, research is getting close to finding treatment.

  • SMA -- Spinal Muscular Atrophy -- KILLS more young children than ANY other inherited disease -- 50% die by their 1st birthday, 90% by their 2nd.
  • 1 in 40 people UNKNOWINGLY carries the SMA gene -- few have any known family history.
  • SMA is degenerative and terminal. Although born healthy, babies eventually lose the ability to walk, sit, eat, breathe, and even swallow. The mind is NEVER impacted and children with SMA are bright and social.
  • There is currently NO treatment and NO cure, but there is HOPE!
  • The National Institutes of Health (NIH) coined SMA as the disease "CLOSEST to TREATMENT".
  • Researchers say a CURE is possible in a few years -- IF given adequate funding.
  • SMA is considered a "model" disease and many scientist believe it is a "gateway" to answers for countless other diseases, including: ALS/Lou Gehrig's, spinal cord injury, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, the muscular dystrophies, and even some forms of cancer.
  • Find out more about SMA by watching this video.

PLEASE submit your vote this week by going HERE. If you would like more information or more ideas on how you can help, please go to Gwendolyn's blog HERE.


Devon said...

Thanks, Tara. It really means a lot.

Grand Pooba said...

I didn't know what SMA was until now, that is just so sad! I'll have to vote when I get home from work because my work has blocked that website.

Stupid work!

Becky said...

I'm on it!!! I hope that the cure comes sooner than later! xoxo