

The "R" Word Hurts

This PSA aired only a few hours ago, and already it has undergone significant scrutiny. The criticisms I've heard/read include that the slurs used at the beginning are outdated and/or too offensive to even be used. However, I think that is exactly the point.... those words ARE offensive and that's WHY they became a thing of the past. That's exactly the message the special needs community is trying to send about the R-word. It is offensive. It is not acceptable. It HAS to become a thing of the past.

I've asked people I interact with to stop using it when when I've heard them say it (usually in reference to themselves). I try not to lecture or act offended. I try to express that I know they didn't mean to offend and I understand that it's unfortunately a common saying. Then I go on to explain that since I've become Chloe's mom, I've come to understand what a cutting word it is and when used in jest, it is not funny but highly degrading. People always seem supportive and understanding when I bring it up, which is why it shocks me how often I hear them use it afterward. Do they forget? Do they think I'm being oversensitive? Do they just not care? Since I can't answer those questions definitively, I politely remind them again. And I will remind them again and again and again.... as many times as I have to.

Please join me in spreading the word....


April said...

well said!! hugs!

Jen said...

I agree- 100%. It really goes right through me when I hear people talk like that in any circumstance. I'm teaching my own children to be respectful and not use this type of language that is hurtful.

Emma said...

Thanks for sharing that. Baxter took it to school and they played it. Now the R word is considered a swear work at their school and they get in trouble for saying it. Little things help!!