

Take Flight

My little Chloe - I learn so much from her! I've learned this from her before, but it recently seems to be a lesson she's trying to teach me even more, and that is to

never give up on dreams.

I've mentioned before that she has a seizure disorder that causes her to be significantly delayed with her physical abilities, and she may never catch up. She is actively involved in many types of therapies (we're starting music therapy tomorrow, and I'm so excited about that!), but we have been told it is possible that she may never learn to sit, crawl, or walk. Her physical therapist has even mentioned that I may want to look into getting a wheelchair in the next few months. I don't know why, but this one was really hard for me to swallow, harder than the special braces she wears or surgery she has had or anything. It's just that she looks absolutely perfect, you would never guess anything is wrong with her.... in fact, most strangers she meets comment that she looks so tired, because they think the fact that her head falls over is because of fatigue. Sometimes I explain the truth to them, and other times I like them to think everything is normal.

But if she's in a wheelchair, everyone will know that she is disabled. I'm afraid of getting blank stares, or too many questions, or people looking the other way because they're uncomfortable. The truth is, I am grateful for my child and wouldn't change her. She is special and she has special needs. I used to think the term 'special needs' was an unkind title, but read THIS POST to find why my perspective changed on that subject. I just want her to be able to explore and enjoy life to the fullest, even if it means hard work, or that her abilities take longer to come, or don't come the way I think they should.

Well, this evening we were watching Signing Times, as we often do. We have some of the videos and also watch the TV show on DVR. I'm sure most of you know, but if you don't, Signing Times is a program that teaches sign language. They also have the cutest songs that go along with the words they teach. The show we watched tonight was on The Outdoors.

Let me preface by saying, I have had a special place in my heart for caterpillars and butterflies ever since I did THIS POST. I think of Chloe as a little caterpillar who dreams of becoming a butterfly, and will become a butterfly - someday! In fact, her Halloween costume is a butterfly. I can't wait to show her off in that costume, it is so stinkin' cute!

The very last song on The Outdoors episode of Signing Times was called Caterpillar Dreams. As the song was playing it showed the creator's 2nd daughter, who is in a wheelchair, wearing butterfly wings and doing the signs. The story behind the creation of Signing Times is inspiring to say the least, you can find it by clicking HERE. It was very apparent that Chloe loved this song. She is unable to verbally communicate, but sometimes there is no question about how she feels, and this was one of those times. Also, despite her inability to communicate, I feel certain that she understands much more than the majority of children her age, and I believe she understood the message of this song.

Here are the lyrics that I find so sweet:

Caterpillar Dreams

I’m a little CATERPILLAR tiny and green
Crawlin’ around head full of dreams
Inch by inch takes all day
I’m dreamin’ of wings and flyin’ away

Just a little CATERPILLAR down on the ground
I climb a tree hang upside down
I don’t know why I build a cocoon
Not sure why I do what I do

But if I were a BUTTERFLY
I could leave the ground behind
Would things look different way up high?
I wish I were a BUTTERFLY

I’m just a little CATERPILLAR fast asleep
Eyes closed tight lost in a dream
In my dream I break free
Stretch out my legs and check out my wings

I feel just like a BUTTERFLY
Watch me leave the ground behind
Things look different way up high
I feel just like a BUTTERFLY

Look at me I’m flying!
I’m really flying!
Somebody pinch me!

And here is the video, that is beyond sweet:

(pause the music on the sidebar before playing this video)

This song and its lyrics reminded me that it is okay to have dreams of Chloe transforming, but it's also okay for her to be exactly as she is. I'm certain that she has the desire to do more than she is capable of. Mentally she is much further along than she is physically, so unfortunately it's likely that she feels frustrated because of her restrictions. But as a mother, I am grateful to embrace my child and all that she is and isn't. We will look into some wheelchairs, but that doesn't mean she will be in a wheelchair forever. I believe there is a reason we have desires and dreams, and it is so we can rise above mediocrity, persevere, and achieve our highest potential. It is my goal for my baby to do her best, whatever that is, and that alone will mean she has taken flight.

My wish is that we can all believe in our dreams, no matter how big or small they may be, and take flight to a greater potential.


Shelly said...

I love reading your messages. You remind me so much why we, as moms, do the things we do. I'll never forget the moment Josh and I were confronted by the cardiologist that Matt needed his first heart surgery. It was our choice if he received it. Of course, the alternative was poor health, leading to death, but just seeing him in the hospital after the surgery I got a bit depressed and thought, "I did this to him. He's in this state because I chose this for him." It's hard to have to make those choices. By the literal grace of God, that frame of mind didn't last and I saw after the fact that Matt was so much better off once I got past myself and my own pride. Bottom line, I feel for you. I've been there. Never thought I would, but I've been there. Keep going strong! Loves!

Unknown said...

Chloe is beautiful! I am sending warm wishes & prayers your way!
Thanks for popping by & sharing some bloggy love on my big SITS day!

Susie said...

What a great post! Thanks for the reminder in my life and thank you for having such a wonderful girl that inspires that in all of us.

Anonymous said...

What a great way of looking at life. We have so much potential within us, don't we??

Have a great day!

Gaspegirl said...

OMGracious, I am so moved by your post today. Your daughter is an inspiration to all... thank you for sharing her with us!



BTW, thank you also for sharing your cupcake recipe with me - I am gonna try it this weekend! I will let you know how it turns out!

Celine said...

Words of wisdom...truly and fully.
I love the way you think.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

The Nice One said...

What a beautiful blog entry for your daughter. Really moving. I loved the depth yet simplicity of this sentence:
"This song and its lyrics reminded me that it is okay to have dreams of Chloe transforming, but it's also okay for her to be exactly as she is"

I think as parents with kids who have disabilities we all struggle to come to terms with that.

Michelle said...

So inspirational!

And special needs or not, your daughter is just beautiful! (Gets it from her mama, huh?) :)

Thanks for stopping by on your BATW layover!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for acknowledging my family and what we have created and share through Signing Time. I remember the day we were told Lucy would need wheels. She was almost 2 years old. I remember feeling a loss, mourning so many things that now seemed impossible.

I have learned so much from both of my children and their respective disabilities. There are attitudes I have adopted and rules that I stand by as I stand FOR my daughters.

We are raised with the idea that a wheelchair is confining. One day those words were in my head, someone had used them in regard to Lucy. "Oh, poor thing, confined to a wheelchair!" I started to giggle the more I thought about it. My response, "If a wheelchair is confinement, you should see how confined she is without it."

Without the wheels she is a caterpillar. At 8 she can barely roll over, cannot sit up on her own and cannot crawl. The wheels are Lucy's wings. She can fly and spin and stop on a dime, she can "run" 5 miles per hour and never break a sweat. Her wheelchair is her freedom.

My very best to you and yours~

HDMac said...

You get a big hug this morning! Dream and dream big, sweetie.

I have an adult profoundly handicapped daughter. When she was younger, although she didn't walk or talk she looked very normal at first to others. One day when she was about 5, I was in a craft store and she was in my cart. She began crying which was not uncommon for her they were seizure related. As mom, I talked soothingly to her, (while inside I was sweating and fretting) and decided time to cut my trip short and headed to the checkout line... Her crying continued and I while trying to appear calm, patted her leg and pretended that nothing was wrong. The store manager walked by and said, "She is a bit old for that" or something to that affect. I wish I had screamed at him, but because I had been taught to be polite, I told the very rude man, "Sometimes things are not as they appear." .....

I know that you must be a wonderful mommy to your little angel... Bless your heart and bless hers.

She will forever teach you more than you could ever teach her..... my daughter has.. she is such a blessing,too!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow--what a powerful post! That is great! And your little girl is beautiful! I'll be thinking of you and your daughter today! Have a good one!

The Pachuilo Family said...

I always LOVE reading your posts! They are so inspiring and no lie I cry at just about all of them, because you are such a strong woman! Thanks for making me realize and step back and enjoy life and all the blessings there are for all of us. We love you!

Natalia said...

The fact that you know she is mentally ahead even if she can't express it means volumes IMHO. You know it. Imagine how frustrating it would be if because she couldn't show it - you didn't know it. But you do. And treat her accordingly. Have I mentioned your a great mom? I know I have, but this post makes me feel like I need to say it again.

Bar-b said...

I am so happy to have found your blog. I can't explain the feelings I have right now, but I am just thankful to have read this post today.

Keep on truckin' SITSta.

Emily ~ Little Window Shoppe said...

I just read this post and was so touched by it. You really are a wonderful mother! Glad you stopped by.

Jeri Dawn said...

This post made me cry. Mialee (my second child) was convinced, from the day she could talk, that she would fly. Every day for a long time she would wake up and say, "I am going to be a butterfly today. I am going to fly." We would talk about how great that would be. Years later she is still in love with butterfly's, but I remember the nights that she would lay down in bed and say, "I didn't fly today mommy. When will I fly?" I wanted her dreams to come true soo much! She is my obsessive worrier--always worried about something (whether it's logical or not) and seems to need a lot of reassurance and extra love. My heart breaks for her many days! So here is to making all our children's dreams come true!

Cristy said...

Tara, you are such an amazing writer. The way you describe everything paints such a vivid picture. Thank you for reminding me how much of a blessing it is to be a mom!

BPOTW said...

How sweet and how real. We love Signing Time too. My favorite is the pizza song where there putting all the different foods on the pizza :)

Thanks for sharing your voice and submitting your post!

Givinya De Elba said...

This was great: "it is okay to have dreams of Chloe transforming, but it's also okay for her to be exactly as she is."

BloggessJ said...

I know I'm a few hundred (at least) miles away from you and you really don't know me other than through my blog but I really think Ms. Chole is perfect just the way she is. Great post!

Hccm said...

Chloe is exactly who she is suppose to be. A beautiful girl who will grow up to be a beautiful woman.

Rachael said...

What an amazing post. You are a very talented writer, and the love you show for your daughter is just awesome.

Michelle said...

Thank you so much for posting such an inspirational blog for us all to read!

Anonymous said...

That was such a beautiful post! I'm glad you shared that with us.

Tiny Tutus said...

So beautiful and inspirational! What an amazing heart you have. (((hugs))) I think I learned a few lessons myself just reading your post.

Dropping in from SITS!

Anonymous said...

Your post was very inspirational. It gives food for thought. Thank you for sharing. Everyone has a story to tell.

Kimmie said...

Beautiful post. And thank you for sharing the lyrics to that song.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post ... such a great testament to a mother's love for her daughter.

A wonderful way to start my Monday morning!

Anonymous said...

I'm usually a pretty tough nut to crack, but you brought tears to my eyes.

Your daughter is lucky to have you as her mother.

wendy said...

Beautiful post!!

Happy SITS day!

Heather said...

Such a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.

Mimi said...

Such an inspiring message. Thanks for sharing.

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

That was very sweet-very inspirational!!
We LOVE signing time in this house too!

Anonymous said...

This is such a lovely post.
Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your life.

Tiffany said...

What a wonderful post. So much wisdom and hope. Thank you for sharing your journey.

Anonymous said...

You are so wise ...wise beyond your years.

I really hope you take this blog and turn it into something permanent that your daughter can carry with her always -- or that other mothers like yourself can hold and read, over and over again, and find inspiration from.

Anonymous said...

Chloe is adorable! This post is beautifully written and I love the lyrics to the song, too. Thanks for the warm fuzzies this AM.

Erika said...

Sweet! What an inspiration!


Tara ~ Regardless of how things may look at any given moment, we never know how far our child will go in the future. You already know this and I commend you for having this outlook already. It will serve you well. Family support is the most important thing and clearly Chloe has that in spades! God bless you all.

Coffee with Cathy said...

What a lovely post -- so honest and heartfelt. Thank you for having the courage to share these thoughts with your readers. You are a wonderful mom!

Elisabeth said...

What a beautiful song.

Your love and constant support and guidance will give her wings.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

This was such an inspirational post. I am in tears this morning reading your blog.

Debbie Y. said...

Your daughter is beautiful. Thanks for the spiritual, inspirational tone of your blog when it comes to your daughter. We should all have your strength and courage.

Happy SITS day.

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

You are an amazing writer. I can just feel the love you have for your daughter through your posts.
Thank you.

Congrats on being Featured. I will be coming back.

April said...

Wow...what an inspiration both you and your daughter are! Simply wonderful and very touching post!

Crazy Momma said...

What a beautiful message. Chloe is blessed to have a mommy like you.

Ryan and Katie said...

That's a beautiful post! And you have a beautiful daughter!

Sherrie said...

I really enjoyed your post. You are a terrific writer. Congrats again on being the FB over at SITS! May God continue to bless you and your family!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

You know...butterfly analogies work for so many of us. And for our kids. Because it's so normal for kids to grow and change. And your Chloe is her own person. A great reminder to us all.

blognut said...

You have a great outlook -

Heather and Daniel said...

You have a beautiful outlook and wonderful inner strength.

Preston said...

What a beautiful post. I look at the pictures of your little girl and I see love, laughter, and life inside those eyes of hers. Your daughter is a very lucky girl to have you as her mother. Happy SITS day!

Elizabeth M Thompson said...

Thanks for sharing Butterfly Dreams with us! It's very sweet. Chloe is darling, btw, and people will always be captivated by her smile and sweet spirit, whether she is in a wheelchair or not.

Mikki Black said...

Hello, stopped by from SITS to say congrats on your feature.

I'm glad you chose to feature this post. It's been a few months since you wrote it, I know, but stay positive and don't be afraid of what those others will think. Instead focus on Chloe being that best caterpillar she can be.

My nephew Ryan, aged 9, started walking last year. He's one bit closer to his butterfly now. We never thought he'd walk at all. No one did. Then his mom and the nurse decided to try. It only took a few years to build up the muscles, and now you should see him go! 9, 10, 11 steps at a time, completely unaided. He still can't talk, can't read (but loves books!), can't eat much on his own, but he's developing in other, sometimes unexpected, ways. Who knows what he'll do next?

Help her build that cocoon, be it through love or wheelchair. She'll be that butterfly yet.

Mrsbear said...

This was a lovely post. I'm sure your unconditional love and wonderful perspective will always give her strength and inspiration.

Anna Lefler said...

Oh, I just love this. Such a sweet and important message. Chloe is so very lucky to have the both of you as her parents.

Take care...

:^) Anna

Tabitha Blue said...

Very sweet!! It's inspirational to us all!!! It wonderful to see your heart and your love for your daughter!


Tiffany said...

"I believe there is a reason we have desires and dreams, and it is so we can rise above mediocrity, persevere, and achieve our highest potential. "


RuensOnTheRun said...

What a beautiful and touching post - Thanks for sharing! I am going to be on the look out for signing time, sounds great, but I haven't seen it before.

Anonymous said...

How inspiring! Thanks for touching my heart today.

I enjoyed looking through your blog. My husband and I were also married in the Logan temple!

Vickie said...

This post moved me. Thank you for sharing. Your blog puts everything in perspective for me:)

Jaden Paige said...

You have such a positive message. Thanks for sharing your life with us in the bloggie world! Your daughter is a treasure :)

Aubrey said...

Wow. Beautifully written. I can just feel the love that you have for your daughter through your words. She is very lucky to have you and you, to have her!

Reeni said...

SITS sent me to read your moving words. Your love is evident. Your daughter is real lucky to have you for a Mom.

Courtney said...

That is so awesome! We love Signing Time and I have always love that song! How fitting for you and your precious one!

Anonymous said...

This was beautiful. Of course you have dreams - of course Chloe has dreams - and it's amazing and wonderful that you get to protect them for both of you. More than teaching a child to tie shoes - or accepting their limitations - we get to nurture their dreams with them. It's excruciating bliss!

jubilee said...

I think Chloe chose the perfect mommy for her.

Rhea said...

the butterfly metaphor is a good one for Chloe...and you as a parent.

I need to learn sign language.

Mammatalk said...

Your daughter is beautiful, as is this blog. Keep it up. I have enjoyed reading!

Ali said...

What a beautiful wish for us all!

Mommy's Wish List said...

Thank you for a step out of my own reality, and some perspective. I have another theme song for you...Elliot Smith "Butterfly". He sings of the butterfly's independence day.

JessicaMarie said...

This is so beautiful!

Maybe her transformation is slowed to allow time for you to prepare for just how high she'll be able to fly =)

Melissa Lester said...

Your little girl is so blessed to have a mother who champions her cause. With love like that, your little butterfly will soar!

Jeanne Estridge said...

My brother has cerebral palsy (and, unfortunately, is also mentally retarded). Over the years, the palsy has warped his foot and ankle and he has now reached the point where it looks like he's going to be chairbound. Which would feel much more tragic if he didn't LOVE that chair -- he's an absolute danger, whizzing around.

What little I've learned in my life about kindness and accepting joy as it comes I've learned from him.

What A Card said...

Beautifully put. And I suspect your daughter is helping you become a butterfly in your own way, as well.

Carey said...

Stopping over from SITS and had to tell you that this post is very moving. I wish nothing but the best for you and your little caterpillar - she is adorable and already a beautiful butterfly I think!

Ronnica said...

Thank you for being open about your daughter and her journey. So many cruel things are done out of ignorance.

I'm sure some days it can be hard, but you've no doubt seen blessings you never knew were possible.

Michelle said...

Oh that story gave me goosebumps. She's such a lovely little girl, and it's so cheering to see her smile. Good luck with *every*thing!

Tiffany said...

Congratulations on your feature!

This post is beautiful. The love you have for Chloe shines brilliantly. She will have a good life, she is loved.

becky s said...

Beautiful! She is a lucky girl to have you.

AndreaLeigh said...

How inspiring! You know, my perspective on special needs have changed this I started working with this population earlier this year. Oh, the joy I've gained from working with such pure hearts. I am confident in saying that me, with all my so-called abilities, will never be as beautiful of a person as my clients. I can only hope to learn and grow from them.

Chloe is beautiful and amazing - whether she can walk, talk, or do other things. She is special, and made perfectly by God. Her journey is not complete. Whatever abilities she gains or learns, she will be still Chloe and will be beautiful and perfectly made.

Dee said...

thats a lovely song, my BestFriend has a daughter with cerebral palsy, and it made me think of her.

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net said...

This is a beautiful post, and you have a beautiful daughter.

Your daughter will blossom in ways you can't even imagine.

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

Thank you for sharing with us, and the world.

Claire said...

What a lovely post. Your daughter is very loved, that much is evident here.